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First Time Out On The Lamp

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had glen out for first proper night on the lamp, started off slow, very light and little wind. about 2-230 started to get cloudy and wind picked up abit.



plan was to get glen used to looking down the beam, anything else was a bonus. shined a few rabbits, but he wasnt spotting them.


after abit he then spotted one bolting, sliped him, after a couple turns it got away into cover. managed to get close to a couple squatters after that, he still wasnt seeing them, once they bolted it was game on... after a few turns on each rabbit ended up with these, was then time to end on a high..


still abit work needed on looking down the beam, a no bad start for young glen :thumbs:



Edited by Joe1888
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A good start. Just don't expect the pup to see squatters, they don't know what they're looking for. I always concentrate on rabbits that are sat upright/hopping when starting a pup. The squatters will come in time.... :victory: :victory:

Best of Luck with the dog...

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