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Hard Dogs How Many.

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For me and this is only my opinion,the hard dog evolved more so after the locator came into use.

I wonder how many folk would be so devoted to this type of animal if they could never be found below ground except in the most simple of places.

Imagine loosing a solid type into a thirty hole multi layered place, yet now most would knowing that said dog can be located and dug to relatively easily.All be it after some considerable effort from us.

Yes we did have them before locators but there use was limited.

" just a thought"

And a very valid point mate

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I think everyone has a different opinion on what is called a hard terrier.Some will call a terrier that can kill fox to ground on a regular basis hard where others will say the dog just has a nack for

Mute dog would not keep it I like the sound of sounding under my feet to much most of what I come across is educated stuff and I dig them with bayer mixer types I have no need for hard dog just my opi

Have to disagree as some places can be layered maybe 3-4 different levels spread over a wide area and a fox moving about in front of a terrier will leave scent all over the place leaving it very hard

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I think it all depends on your definition of hard, as the working style of hard dogs varies a lot. Some are mute some arent, some wanna hold some wanna fight. Hard dogs were needed before locators and after aswell. If you had 'soft dogs' pre locator you would never get a steady mark. From what ive been told hard dogs have always been around, its the lack of voice that is more common due to the locator as its not essential for finding anymore.

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Fat head, i was admitted i was gone with the fairies when i give you that reply and was thinking of a biggish burrow i knew and a small bitch i lost over a year ago. On your question i remember another small girl and i took her down the bank. On My Own, she let go and i knew her quarry would be good, it bayed, it charge in her, and she made no sound, no interface, she pushed them to the bottom of the bank, dug to it in sand, single handed, tough quarry an id be digging one hole, and listening to a working terrier baying, I'd be the man to separate, as she be too hard boy, one of very many! I

try going out with the man, I have and he's a diamond,a ruff one but a diamond all the same, I'll vouch for pabs,he's a doer not a talker atb AT

I bet pablo's one of the more interesting characters on here.....;-)

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Yep Rob, I agree! I think many on here have never really seen a truelly hard dog, and also are not aware or have experienced the aftercare needed in those times gone by, pre ban.

I can assure you though as kids, we did get a steady mark on our mish mash soft bred dogs and had lots and lots of successful outings.

As kids we took an annual holiday digging,mom,dad,kids,picnic, lurcher,staffy.

We managed! digging everyday in deepest wales, and great fun it was!!

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Just a straight question neil, as you said you were out on a dig? Howd you get on! Or are you too important to answer

Mind your own business.

How's that for an answer ?

What is it with nowadays everyone has to know every ones business, what their dogs are like and what they're not like ?


It was a good day starting with a good breakfast, good sport with good company.

That's all you need to know.

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Yesteryear digging was not possible to a hard type that took hold ,trust me i was there .If the dog had no voice it was a cull or worst still used at the end of a dig .Locators are the creators of mute dogs or culls as they were known as .Too many opinions from those knowing f**k all about the past .

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I too was there! Only young but I'm influenced to this day on how,why we do things." For me this is important" I have respect for my quarry and admiration for my workers. Few of us will agree on what colour is "Black",never mind what a hard dog is,should be.

" Enough from me I think"

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I dont think anyone whos a digging man is against the tougher type of dog ,just against the banter that goes with the stigma on here .There is not a line left in the country that is working well as a digging type that does not rely on the tough type as backbone for breeding .Forget the 10 minute wonders that fly in ,get mullered and crawl out they are culls .The tough dog will turn up the pressure AFTER the breakthrough ,after its bayed and mixed for however long to keep quarry in the one place .When the daylight floods in your dogs true colours are brought to the fore as foxy now sees a way out .Everyone will have in their head a different notion of what makes a dog tough from taking hold the whole dig through to baying non stop inches away but all will want a mouthful when helps at hand .

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Its a divide some like the yappers others like the opposite no one is right or wrong enjoy ur digging its as simple as that. Know man no matter what age shape or size you are can tell their option is a better choice. Thats what i call childish. Its crazy how far people have their head up their own hole a 4x4 and chain couldnt pull it out. Absolutly crazy makes me :bad:.

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