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I think its more a case of what you can get hold of. Any manure is handy and preferably free. I have access too pig but need to bag it up and plonk in the car which don't go down well. Then some fella

About 20 years ago the local gardening club I was a member of used to get in guest speakers. One of those speakers was a chap called Roy Criddle. He was known as a good exhibition onion grower, he don

Glad you got your plot smartened up Mr TP. I can only generalise as don't like being shot down from a great height but as a rule cow muck is by far the best. It needs being a couple of years old and as straw free as the local farmer can find. If you think about it, what does he do with muck?? (farmers ain't often wrong). He drives up and down with the muck spreader, leaves that for a while to soak into the ground and then plows. Why should we be any different. Clean all your garden and literally cover it in manure. The winter will take all the goodness into the soil and when you rotovate or dig over it's ready to plant. Not only that the muck takes the place of all the shite talked about of carpets etc. Don't see many carpetted farmers fields now do we?? Back to vegetables. Brassicas DO NOT LIKE soft ground. It needs being as hard as you can. Root crops on the other hand love soft ground because they can send the tap root through without being interrupted and thence long tapered roots. All your other stuff thrive on well mucked ground and you should be getting 2/3 crops a season. Any rate on it's all a learning curve and everyone either thinks they know it all or don't make mistakes. ME. Just pulled up all my Winter brussels, cauliflower and cabbage because I didn't think. Hey Ho. Plenty of leeks to go at.

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Cow manure is the best we can get a trailer load for £25 , horse is good but it's mainly straw and you have to leave it to break down for a while maybe a year and hen pen is what I would call too hot to use straight off the farm

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