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No such thing as the perfect single cross if you want to hunt a range of quarry (legal or not) in my opinion. All these people who state that a bull cross or collie greyhound is the best are, in my opinion, talking bollocks.


Its horses for courses.


If it's just rabbits you're after then you don't need a 70lb bullcross - in fact if you have one you'll be at a distinct disadvantage! For rabbits you'll do no better than either a collie/grey or collie/whippet (depending on whether ferreting or lamping light your fire). A bedlington cross may suffice too - but I'd stick with a collie cross myself.


For hares I'd have either a collie/grey leaning by far to the grey side, or if I wanted a dim-runner then a first cross saluki/grey.


For bigger stuff then maybe I'd start looking at adding bull blood, but as there is bull blood in a greys anyway and the greyhound has one of the strongest jaws in the canine world then maybe I wouldn't bother.



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a bullx will take anything put in frount of it on the lamp

it will struggle in the daytime

but tell me what your collie x will take on the lamp that a bull x wouldent :snack::snack::snack:


Bob, i take it that question is aimed at me?


If so, it's a bit off track because you've admitted that a bull x will struggle in daytime which is admitting that it cannot be the perfect allrounder - and that's the question at the head of this thread!


But to answer your question; imagine a wet night, to the point that the fields are sodden, the rabbits are sitting close to the hedge and those that don't run straight for home are more than happy jinking, ducking and weaving in the sodden mud. They'll turn several times back and foreward before heading for the safety of the hedge - fancy your 60lb bullcross up against my 30lb whippet cross?


Collie crosses are also more than suitable for hare on the lamp, and for fox too (hare and fox daytime too - didn't you say the bull cross struggles?). Yes, I admit that at only 40plus pounds the collie cross isn't as lardy as the bull cross, but it's still only against the 20lb fox; it may be lacking in bulk but maybe it has a bit more brains?


As for, hush hush, deer on the lamp, well to be honest I reckon I could take a deer on the lamp - not the most testing of quarry at night are they? They're a better test of a dog during the day I reckon - but didn't you say something about the bull cross struggling during the day?


Anyway, I'm not getting into an arguement, as I've said it's horses for courses in my opinion. Some courses may suit the bullcross, others the collie cross and then some just a plain old whippet.


Now, if this thread was entitled 'what cross do you gell with' that could be a different answer!



Edited by Crow
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Guest bobsuperdog

and all rounder


so a collie cross is a match for a bull cross as an all rounder


well a collie cross will take rabbits

but then so will a bull cross


a collie cross will take small deer

so will a bull cross


a collie cross will get smashed on big deer

a bull cross will smash big deer


both will take lamped hares


but i think both would struggle on daytime hares



a collie will take a fox

a bull cross wil take fox after fox


then theres xxxxxx

now your not going to tell me your collie cross are doing them


but then you could be like me and have a

bull collie x lol

just to be safe

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OR YOU COULD JUST BUY ONE OF MY COLLIE X GRAY......X......DEER X WHEATON X GRAY.............PUPS FOR SAFE SAKE! :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie: :gunsmilie:DOGS£100 BITCHES£125 :big_boss: :big_boss: :big_boss:

Edited by BIG FRANK
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