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Book Or Dvd ?

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DVD for me, I just can't get into a book, reference books ok for me, but I've only ever read 1 novel in my life, and that was for an exam

When people say it was a good film, but the book was better I just can't come to terms with that

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A book for me ,there is something special about a well written book , it not only records events ,it gives an insight into the authors mindset ,a half decent writer can get across his /her feelings ,emotions ,outlook ,opinions etc in a way that is not possible on DVD ,


Poetic license and composit characters ,a slight exaggeration fo comic affect ? one mans lies is anothers entertainment .

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They've both got there good points. Either for me just however I'm feeling.

Also once you've watched a DVD that's pretty much it but with a book a book you can always go back a read bits over and over again!


Edited by stevo79
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I like to read to learn. most educational books these days have dvd's to compliment them. for pure entertainment its dvd;s . so both for me . food for though for the fieldsports authors :yes: a complimentary visual disc in some form must be a good selling point. giving a better overall experience.

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Another thing is quality

A good DVD is a good watch and a good book a good read and both worthy additions to anyone's collection

However, in field sports terms I have never seen a good book, and definately no "classic" but I have seen a number that I "like"

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