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Mtc Vs Swarovski With Digital Night Vision

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A friend of mine build me a very nice night vision. I looks and functions like a night site.

However i have a swarovski z6i 2.5-15x56 with parrallax. The image fromt he nightvision is very sharp and clear but only when the parrallax is set at 0. I set the camera so that the crosshair is sharp but when i look at a target the only way to get the background shard is putting the parrallax at 0 and play with the magnification for a clear view at different ranges.


When i put the nightvison kit on a mtc mamba 4-16x50 i can use the parrallax turret to get a clear view at different ranges. With the mtc the parrallax works just the same with or without the nightvision.


How is it possible that my 15 times more expensive swarovski will not get a good image with the use of the parrallax turret? It looks like the parrallax will not to anything.


Thanks allot,


Gr Jacco

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I've swapped a £300+ for £65 scope on my.17 Hmr Nightsite Wolf set up and getting for better results as said sometimes spending hundreds on a scope is not always necessary, all in all though the dearer quality scopes are far better for daytime use I find, horses for courses as they say.

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