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The Dark / And Your Mind ?

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after reading top dog1 post about seeing strange things in the dark when lamping . this is one years back , but always makes me think what your mind can do when put in the right or wrong position

True words,...     Seen a lot of things ,...but never been feared of the night.....   Night hunting is like entering a whole new world,...but as a rule,..there ain't nothing out there to hurt ya.

One night whilst night fishing a small secluded mere in Cheshire a car pulled into the car park,a young couple got out and decided to have a session on the car bonnet with the lights still on....must

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Great story by the way.


Go out my my own a lot and usually don't mind but the scary thoughts do enter the napper occasionally. Anything comes near me other than dog it will sharply be receiving 8 inches of steel :yes:

I guess there's less fear of prosecution when you're a Mason....haha Edited by Accip74
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If you lamp alone a lot, you'll know how the mind can start to over think things and then you've started to spook yourself.

It's funny how it can happen in some specks and never in others.

The irony is, for me anyway, that the reality of the worry is never as bad as the worry itself!

Sometimes that line of thought can spoil the whole night. Always good to put some clear,positive, rational thoughts in your head before you get there, especially if the gaff is a bit warm.

It really is, mind over matter.... ;)


:yes:True words,...



Seen a lot of things ,...but never been feared of the night.....


Night hunting is like entering a whole new world,...but as a rule,..there ain't nothing out there to hurt ya.. :thumbs:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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I find that the dark does things to some peoples minds....they turn into complete bullshitters. :laugh: :laugh:

They talk like they live for the lamp game, but when you really get down to it they lamped for a few years but have done F All for the best part of three decades. :D


There was a team of lads when I was a teenager and they used to come out with some real pearlers. There main claim to fame was that they caught a deer on the lamp one night, doubled or trebled up, and they lived on the reputation of that catch for the next decade......Their dogs had been dead for years and they still talked about it. :whistling:


Lamping's a great sport, just pick your lamping partner wisely. :icon_eek:




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Joking aside...I absolutely love lamping on my own with just the wee dug...he loves it also. It's a great wee team. Been out in everything and so has the wee dug. Nothing phases us...magic way to hunt. Bring on the wind and rain an stuff Christopher Lee and Bela Lugosi :thumbs:

who's dug
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Joking aside...I absolutely love lamping on my own with just the wee dug...he loves it also. It's a great wee team. Been out in everything and so has the wee dug. Nothing phases us...magic way to hunt. Bring on the wind and rain an stuff Christopher Lee and Bela Lugosi :thumbs:

who's dug


Ah sorry mate...keep forgetting that not everyone in the world is Scottish. Dug=dog ;)

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when i used to venture out checking the local pheasant population at night :whistling: a favourite spot was where 2 individuals took their own lives (both by shotgun) and some nights i would walk right past the spot..other nights i would stop and go the other way..because i new someone was watching me :icon_eek: .

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Obviously there's no such thing as ghosts and all that crap but I remember one time out earth stopping (pre ban) in the dark it would've been about 3am and I was flat out working away in a small covert not too far away from civilisation and I was certain I heard twigs snapping and someone approaching I remember swinging my spade around and smacking poor innocent trees there was nobody there and I did have a laugh to myself after but your mind does play tricks.

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