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Frog With Red Sore

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Found this frog or toad trying to get out of my pond earlier with around seven big koi swimming around it it has a bad red sore on the side of its belly and appears very fat doesn't anyone know what it is


Edited by CushtyJook
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Its a Bavarian red bellied pond frog , quite rare in this country and almost never seen in piky koi ponds .

I've put him in a more suitable place away from fish the little dosser of a frog they carry trcihodina and lots of nasties so he's got his own frog pond I found out the way
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Looks like a female, going on the size of it and those patches would be where a male would lock its front legs around when in amplexus. Early for randy frogs though! Could just be the colour of it though, looks to have red on the inside of its far back leg as well.

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Looks like a female, going on the size of it and those patches would be where a male would lock its front legs around when in amplexus. Early for randy frogs though!

Great so there could be a male around the pond also Probally sat 6 foot down out the way
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Looks like a female, going on the size of it and those patches would be where a male would lock its front legs around when in amplexus. Early for randy frogs though!

Great so there could be a male around the pond also Probally sat 6 foot down out the way
Nah, they'll come out and hibernate for the winter. :thumbs:
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Looks like it's been trod on.

I think it's been bashed around by fish to be honest they where like sharks circling and when they seen me they thought they'd get fed so can get quite boysterous i have one fish which is around around 35 pound in weight and has pushed smaller fish out of pond before at feeding time

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Looks like a female, going on the size of it and those patches would be where a male would lock its front legs around when in amplexus. Early for randy frogs though!

Great so there could be a male around the pond also Probally sat 6 foot down out the way
Nah, they'll come out and hibernate for the winter. :thumbs:
good lol i put it in a smaller pond with no fish in at the moment
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How do ya get a pond in caravan mode?

Lol I've got a big house with marble floors and gold plated wall paper in lol serious ness my pond isn't pernamant so doesn't look the part as don't plan on living here very much longer we have bought some land to build on so can build a bigger pond when I have somewhere more pernamant to live I got into keeping koi the same way otter travellers like horses and birds the patterns and markings they should make an episode on TV my big fat gypsy koi pond if they pay well

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