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Lungworm Epidemic In W. Scotland.

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Had a bad dose of it the year before last we lost a few hounds before we/vet discovered the problem we use panacur and not a problem since

its a horrid thing and would not want it again the vet said foxes carry it aswell lucky we no longer pursue them

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Never known a dog with it, never known anyone ever to have dog with it, or even say the know someone else with a dog with it.


Basically in all my years I`ve never ever come across lungworm in any dog.



Boosters sell eh ?. Rubbish as far as I`m concerned.

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Saying it's nonsence is a real gamble but after hearing about a few rumours 3 years ago I popped into my local vets and lucky for me my fav vet was on who seems to tell it as it is , so asking him he told me in 5 years in the practice they have never treated a dog with it, so makes you think.

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I think I have posted this before, since 1958 to present day I have kept running dogs, In all that time, I have never seen LUNGWORM, I have never heard of any one with that infection, Last year, I went to a Vets in a small Border town Called Longtown, in Cumbria, I purchased, 6 worm tablets, for to dose my two, 3each to the two dogs I asked the question, about this Lungworm, he openly said, only one case has been reported in the whole of the UK, that was down in Surrey or Sussex, He then went onto say with out doubt it will eventually, move North, I asked what is the symptoms, that I should watch out for, in return he said, Bleeding from the nose, Now in all of those years that I have kept running dogs, Snails, and Slugs, have always been around, ((((( why should we panic now????? if you have snails, or slugs, use Road Salt, go to a yellow bin get a bag full, and lay a track of salt around your kennels, DO NOT USE SLUG PELLETS, highly poisonous, to your dogs, one member on here said to me they come over the top of the wall, simple put a track of salt along each side of the wall, or just on your side,

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