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Official Thl 2015 Rugby World Cup Thread

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an Englishman walks into a bar ..... there is normally a Welshman an Irishman and a Scotsman to but their still at the world cup .........

Unbiased punditry last night mind, man of the match on any other planet would've gone to Foley or Pocock but no good old Dallaglio and the other plank gave it to Launchbury.....and you all wonder why

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Is it me,,, or does Samson lee ,,look like socks,,,, younger and better looking,,, of course,,, :D

Well he does like a bit of ferreting.. :laugh:





Even wanted to give the celebrations a miss when we beat the Boks! :laugh:



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Scotland or Japan, who's going through? Hope it's us. :D

Can't see You loosing that game but be good to see what happens, think the USA japan game might be good USA have saved there best players for it apparently..


Looking forward to seeing wales battle it out against Australia should be a great game on paper c mon wales..

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Can't see Wales beating the Aussies tomorrow. But you never know. I mean, Wales did beat England, so there may be a chance.................


Best make the most of it though, it's the Boks next.


:tongue2: :tongue2:

Funnily enough I thought that when we played England, but I have a feeling that we could just pinch it tomorrow. And if we do Australia better get ready for the new Boks are a coming. ;)



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