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Anna Baker

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I used to do a lot of ferreting but haven't done it in a few years. Looking at buying ferreting gear again but want to get out a few times before I do. If anybody near Worcestershire or south Staffs would be willingness to take me out I would be very very greatful. Regards

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  On 14/09/2015 at 12:25, charlie caller said:

I am very surprised you have not had a flood of offers by now Anna,or have the generous soles all done it by pm.

No, not one offer, I am wondering if its because I am a girl? Have done all sorts over the years, lamping, ferreting, ratting, driven shooting, deer stalking but seem to be struggling with finding somebody who will take me out ferreting. Desperate to get back into it but want to make sure I am not to rusty. Anybody???? lol

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Can you not go out with someone that you have done all the other past times with? Wouldn't have thought it would be that difficult to secure some ferreting?


Unless that is people are worried about showing you around their permission?


All the best.

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