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Sgt. Blackman Sentence To Be Reviewed ?

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lads take it from me war is hard when you know if you are caught they are going to cut your head off and more you can think all you want unless you have been there in that situation do not judge war is hard you have all our laws to to take part in and adhere to while they have no rules.

What's so hard about Not Actinglike a big timing attention seeking c**t?

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Put the bunch of fanny's who convicted him to Afghanistan and see how they get on, the man should be released, compensated and given a medal.

I've said it before - he needs help, not a prison sentence. He did a few tours where he's responsible for his lads lives, not just his own - lads whose wives and kids he knows. That's a lot of pressu

#justiceformarineA   It disgusts me how he was treated. Imagine if we subjected our grandparents to such moral condemnation for such behaviour during WWII.


lads take it from me war is hard when you know if you are caught they are going to cut your head off and more you can think all you want unless you have been there in that situation do not judge war is hard you have all our laws to to take part in and adhere to while they have no rules.

What's so hard about Not Actinglike a big timing attention seeking c**t?

you have lost me here who is a c--t?

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About 6 years ago , nearly to the day, I was attached to a company

Of infantry in nad e Ali south

I was outside the fob working along when my radio crackled saying to come inside

A taliban shura was about to get hell fired down the road

These particular gang had shot a few of our mates and comfardes over the last few

Weeks and the middle went off

As they are prone to do they brought their wounded to our loacation, what greeted us outside the gates will stay with me till the end of my days. The seargent major asked me to go lead the hls party. I set it up and came inside to help stretcher in injured enemy onto the chinook inbound. These people were in tatters , as a hellfire strike is prone to do, but and this is a big but

Not once did I see or hear a single threat or action to off these mortally wounded men , no sncos pulled out pistols or larger it in front of the camera, in fact if a camera had been produced, it would have had resulted in a large slap

Round the ear. All of the injured made it alive into the air..some were doa at bastion but that's by the by

All I saw was professional soldiers doing soldierly things in an appropriate and correct manner

Men being a credit to their unit, their families and themselves

None of them are in jail

Strange that eh?

That mate is a completely different scenario than being part of a patrol and coming across a still armed man no matter how wounded in a wadi miles from your fob ... now Blackman didn't film it and didn't know it was being filmed so he was hardly playing up for the camera ... this debate will go around and around and everybody can have their say but the truth is there's only a few on here who are actually qualified to make a comment with any real knowledge .........

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Taking a human life is never just "nothing" and as you rightly say there's probably only a few in here who know what the inside of a human head looks and smells like burst open from round or shell BUT and this is a big BUT......there's plenty talking like it is nothing.......

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Well to be fair, it isn't,


Nowhere is miles away from a fob is it?


The firefight was over


What snco allows a camera on the patrol anyway?


If he was unaware why did he speak to the camera ?


Why didn't he immediately confiscate the camera or destroy it?


He wanted to be a bad ass maverick who didn't fly by the rules but didn't like it when the rules were applied


No sympathy


Unprofessional , no example to his juniors , a loose cannon and a disgrace

To the hard earned history of his chosen unit


Tough luck

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Well to be fair, it isn't,

Nowhere is miles away from a fob is it?

The firefight was over

What snco allows a camera on the patrol anyway?

If he was unaware why did he speak to the camera ?

Why didn't he immediately confiscate the camera or destroy it?

He wanted to be a bad ass maverick who didn't fly by the rules but didn't like it when the rules were applied

No sympathy

Unprofessional , no example to his juniors , a loose cannon and a disgrace

To the hard earned history of his chosen unit

Tough luck

Ok I didn't mean literally miles but it wasn't on the doorstep so to speak ... I didn't get the Impression he was talking to the camera I thought he was just talking to his troops ... a lot of the lads out there have head cams on doesn't mean they are switched on all of the time ... he was naive in the fact that he wouldn't be caught ... he could have had a drone above him filming that he knew nothing about and would have been caught the same but without the commentary ...... it's funny that people think this is the worst that's happened ... I know a fair few paras and marines that were in the falklands war and this is fukc all compared to what they relay happened out there ........

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Bit dissappointed in that reply Mucker

Muck taking over an event thirty Years ago is a bit spurious in my eyes and sells short the greatest military in the world imho

If you want to compare the actions and heroics of the likes of Ian McKay with that of a dimlo thinking he's clever well that's up to you ,


Out of interest socks, would you have allowed him to carry out the deed and what would you have done afterwards ?


I know if it had occurred in our brigade, he would have needed a miracle to keep his rank

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I'm not raking over anything mate and I'm not downing the British army in any way obviously as it was part of my life for 22 years I'm simply stating the fact that shit like this and worse has happened hundreds of times In the past and will again in any future conflicts ... shit happens in war we all know that ... what would I have done ??? Who knows I wasn't there at that time ... it would be easy for me to say I would do this he shouldn't do that we should all do whatever ... but we weren't there he was he made a desicion that he is probably regretting now and in the heat of a battle we could all make a mistake we now regret ........

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Could have , would have, should have doesnt change events. What happened happened the NCO was tried and convicted and he was sentenced, Now The court is considering new evidence in the case, The lesson to be learnt is if you have or are about to breach the law or regulations dont brag or publicise it and certainly dont film it.. The situation in conflict zones does not always lend itself to dotting the i,s and crossing the t,s its about mission accomplishment, with the minimum collateral damage, hand wringing doesnt change f/a lessons do.

Edited by desertbred
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It all sounds ridiculous with private firms given the green light to pursue cases where ever they can find or create them. Obviously they will try to get as many as they can as it is more money for them. How the government allows this makes me feel ill and is straight out treason. People taking a holier than thou attitude is pathetic to me, unless you were there you can't possibly know how right or wrong his actions were and it is foolish to trust the legal system to have got it right. I can't blame him for topping the bloke and from what I know of the case (admittedly not a lot) I would only punish the man if it meant he was still able to stay in the field. Discipline is important but I would not want to lose a soldier like sergeant Blackman. In fact I would probably unleash him in Rotherham if it were up to me.

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Lol at silverskin


He's a buckshee marine not Jason bourne


There will be a hundred men like blackman who aren't a fkn liability who can do his job


He's not irreplaceable

No doubting he can be replaced, I just believe for this situation he should be supported not jailed. Whether it is counselling, change of job description or promotion (my choice) he is not a traitor, by all accounts his men trust him and he has proven himself in battle. It looks to me like he has made one mistake and then thrown to the wolves. I reckon he deserves at least three strikes before they take such drastic measures as jail time.
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