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:hmm: Right when you bi a mod for a 22lr no problem lots of them.But when you bi one for a .17HMR

why do they have the same size hole as the one for the 22lr is there not one with a smaller hole to march the smaller bullet,or is there





Hey mate.


I think all rimfire silencers are built to cater for the larger .22 bullets. So you can buy i 'rimfire' silencer and it will cater for all the rimfire calibres. Its the same case with airguns. All airguns are supplyed with silencers that will accept .177 and .22 pellets, excluding .25 pellets.


This is simply so that you dont have to own seperate silencers for each calibre.


Hope this helps. Cheers

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Guest JohnGalway

Good question that.


Foggy memory tells me there may well be a made to measure rimfire calibre specific moderator, it could be the DM80 but don't take that as gospel. Memory is properly foggy on this but I'm sure I heard of a calibre specific mod for HMR's in the last year or so.


In saying that a SAK will do the job just fine, I use one on my .22 (got a daytime fox while ambushing greycrows today and he didn't complain about it). Know a couple of lads using SAK on HMR's as well, it takes the bang away well but there's just nothing you can do about that sonic CRACK!

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Good question that.


Foggy memory tells me there may well be a made to measure rimfire calibre specific moderator, it could be the DM80 but don't take that as gospel. Memory is properly foggy on this but I'm sure I heard of a calibre specific mod for HMR's in the last year or so.


In saying that a SAK will do the job just fine, I use one on my .22 (got a daytime fox while ambushing greycrows today and he didn't complain about it). Know a couple of lads using SAK on HMR's as well, it takes the bang away well but there's just nothing you can do about that sonic CRACK!

thank you,I bought a SAK mod for my 17HMR and i have a parker hale for my 22lr.I tried the SAK on the 22lr tonight and it made it a pit quieter and it dose ok for the 17HMR like you said. :thumbs:

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the dm80 mod is a great mod. very well made, easy to clean, and dm80 will make one for any cal rifle.

say you wanted a 17 hmr mod he would make it just for the 17 hmr bullet to pass though. you wouldnt be able to use it on a 22lr like you could with a sak. but its better then the sak you still get the sonic crack but the blast when you 1st pull the trigger is all most cut out. where the sak you get the blast and then the sonic crack. i think its alot better because like i said its made the 17 hmr bullet. or so it fits back over the barrel on you rifle so its shorter then the sak would be. and it doesnt mark your barrel in anyway as dm80 fit a o ring in there to stop it marking and so the gasses dont leak out. which in turn makes the silencer more silent. :thumbs:

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You will be hard pushed to beat the mods DM80 makes, top quality, lightweight, easy to clean and a very competive price. If you need contact details for Dave drop me an email at the addy below.


The Airgun BBs forum guys all praise the DM80, so much so that i would love to buy one for a .204.


I have emailed him but cant get a reply, they say he is hard to get hold of so any help would be appreciated.



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