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Ruptured Cranial Cruiate Ligament

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Find out where James Haddow is working from nowdays

Get the dog to him asap and let him operate on it


You may have a chance


In the meantime ice ' ice and more ice


Get it to JH and quick


He done the sane op on a young greyhound of ours that went on to compete at the top and hold Sheffields 720m track record.

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With out sounding curl will dog be happy being a pet and do you have room for a pet ? As with owing and using working dogs we all no at anytime we could face this decision and I know I would keep him as To me no diffrent to retiring a older dog but then some guys do sell when they can't work older dog tuff one lad but I thought about this from start so no hard one for me atb what ever u decide to do

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With out sounding curl will dog be happy being a pet and do you have room for a pet ? As with owing and using working dogs we all no at anytime we could face this decision and I know I would keep him as To me no diffrent to retiring a older dog but then some guys do sell when they can't work older dog tuff one lad but I thought about this from start so no hard one for me atb what ever u decide to do


I used to think like that, but have changed my mind on it now, because if suppose you are really just hunting with them and nothing else and its a young dog, so its got to work , yes put it down . t he reason I've changed is the amount of dogs (whippet,greyhounds,lurchers) that I see as pets by me are a lot, some carry injury's etc. but the dogs seem happy enough and the owners , most running dogs make good pets have nice temps and easy to live with. I suppose it how serious you take hunting with dogs, and as said the room you got to house+ feed them, I know you can only keep so many dogs 2-3 be my max for me , Bryn 8 now still do a bit with him, Buck 3 year old my main dog now . I have kept a bitch 14 years with the above injury she never worked again , but came out on me walks and marked cover etc. its if you got the room for them, you have to honest with your self , what you want from a dog :yes: I am happy with what I got maybe 3-4 years down the line will have to review the situation if I am still into lurchers, as your life can change month to month deff :yes:

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I'd just pts and move on atb AT

I think it easy to say but another thing to do it I had 3"lurcher one I had no choice to pts because she broke her back then last year my 7 year old lurcher done this to ligaments I was told it couldn't be fixed by vet the best thing was to pts but I couldn't do it to her she did Notting wrong the it happened and I'm a sort tit to go with that she now my son's best friend he's. Only 5 and she the bee's nees to him and she still get the odd rabbit I'm. Now down to one working lurcher and no room for another one till that old girl pop her clog's or the wife come round to my way of thinking I no witch one will come first haha
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Ya that's a far point I could do with a second working lurcher but that means the old bitch has to go when I see her run and the speed has gone I sometimes think I should have done the right thing by her then u see her with my kids and think feck it she happy in herself so ill just have stick with her for a while longer and the one working lurcher

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