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Peter Hitchens Says It All For Me

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I dare you to find a better article.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3223828/PETER-HITCHENS-won-t-save-refugees-destroying-country.html#ixzz3kwm7rtMh

As far as I am concerned, anyone placing themselves into the hands of criminal gangs to enter Europe takes themselves outside the definition of refugee and becomes a migrant. Albeit a desperate one bu

I fall into the arsehole bracket as i do not want a single one in this country   The area i work and grew up in has been destroyed by immigration   It wouldn't be as bad if they would integrate bu

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  On 07/09/2015 at 11:06, tsteve9999 said:

Just read in the paper that in some poll or other there are now 51% of us in favour of leaving the EU, up from 30 odd per cent a few months ago.

If things carry on as they are there will be a huge no vote and we can finally say bollocks to the whole rotten regime.

What gets me is how left wing the media is, if you were to go by their reports almost everyone in the country would be in favour of bringing them all in, yet I personally don't know of one person who would let in any at all.

Totally agree, I genuinely don't know anyone who is in favour of letting these people into Britain.

If you go by media reports, everyone is, where are these people?.

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The last election was fought on immigration and who could deal with it in the most appropriate manner Tories won out co trip despite a massive swing too the right which too be fair you can't blame people for starting too lean towards too much left for too long has seen too that


Now this latest situation crops up and we are told one week we under siege from illeae immigrants next week we told that they are genuine refugees and are expected too welcome them with open arms


I've watched the welcomes given in various countries and to be fair they look well staged propheganda at its finest the boy on the neach being the key selling point but listen too the man I. The street and what's being said on social media paints very different picture lol


Regarding Syria yea we too blame for sure the IS know we not in any way shape or form ready too fight them ffs we sat and let them get entrenched deeply into several key areas of the Middle East we have no equipment left too fight them it's all rotting in the desert as it was too costly too fetch home lol they will however not be able too do much but occupy these countries until we get so be back bone and cash too put up a fight no doubt whoever takes over from Obama will cruise into office on the premise of sorting this mess pronto and hey presto said grateful liberated countries will give our esteemed leaders friends accedes too said oil on the cheap then maybe the. We can all get on with our lives


I personally think the whole situation is caused funded etc by rich Americans busy Rockefeller Kennedy types and their masters Al quieda and IS are as American as McDonald's n Du pont they just the bogey man it's the hand up their arse that wants removing from existence how these types sleep at night is beyond me


Iran would or should be or best ally in sorting this mess out too be fair they have ways stood strong against America and rightly so IMHO allow them to let is assist too sort this IS mess out for a start then let the countries concerned live how they wish and the way that suits them then and the. Only pay them the fair rate for the resources we so badly need it's unfair for these greedy fuckers too use all out countries resources in both cash and our armies eye to fight a war too allow them too personal ally profit likesay they rarely share the spoils when they get what they want they stitched Saudi up years ago for personal greed who can blame any other country for thinking they will do the same too them ffs they send our sins and daughters to fight wars they know nothing about in reality for garbled reasons all smoke no mirrors


We've proven time and time again we pick our targets very carefully as too whom we go too war with despite differences with Russia China n many other countries we have never chosen too go too war with them no we just pick the softer more profitable countries the stronger we ignore or bargain with not make lefty excuses too go too war with.

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  On 07/09/2015 at 07:28, maxhardcore said:

If anything this Big shit pie will hopefully be the finish of Europe trying to blend into one super state.


Hopefully .

It will work in there favour Max, it will bring Europe to its knees, an then of course they'll provide a solution, an nationalism will be well dilluted, next thing you know its a superstate, nothing happens by accident.

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  On 07/09/2015 at 13:54, arcticgun said:

The last election was fought on immigration and who could deal with it in the most appropriate manner Tories won out co trip despite a massive swing too the right which too be fair you can't blame people for starting too lean towards too much left for too long has seen too that

Now this latest situation crops up and we are told one week we under siege from illeae immigrants next week we told that they are genuine refugees and are expected too welcome them with open arms

I've watched the welcomes given in various countries and to be fair they look well staged propheganda at its finest the boy on the neach being the key selling point but listen too the man I. The street and what's being said on social media paints very different picture lol

Regarding Syria yea we too blame for sure the IS know we not in any way shape or form ready too fight them ffs we sat and let them get entrenched deeply into several key areas of the Middle East we have no equipment left too fight them it's all rotting in the desert as it was too costly too fetch home lol they will however not be able too do much but occupy these countries until we get so be back bone and cash too put up a fight no doubt whoever takes over from Obama will cruise into office on the premise of sorting this mess pronto and hey presto said grateful liberated countries will give our esteemed leaders friends accedes too said oil on the cheap then maybe the. We can all get on with our lives

I personally think the whole situation is caused funded etc by rich Americans busy Rockefeller Kennedy types and their masters Al quieda and IS are as American as McDonald's n Du pont they just the bogey man it's the hand up their arse that wants removing from existence how these types sleep at night is beyond me

Iran would or should be or best ally in sorting this mess out too be fair they have ways stood strong against America and rightly so IMHO allow them to let is assist too sort this IS mess out for a start then let the countries concerned live how they wish and the way that suits them then and the. Only pay them the fair rate for the resources we so badly need it's unfair for these greedy fuckers too use all out countries resources in both cash and our armies eye to fight a war too allow them too personal ally profit likesay they rarely share the spoils when they get what they want they stitched Saudi up years ago for personal greed who can blame any other country for thinking they will do the same too them ffs they send our sins and daughters to fight wars they know nothing about in reality for garbled reasons all smoke no mirrors

We've proven time and time again we pick our targets very carefully as too whom we go too war with despite differences with Russia China n many other countries we have never chosen too go too war with them no we just pick the softer more profitable countries the stronger we ignore or bargain with not make lefty excuses too go too war with.

Obama will not be running for election this time, also you missed a good opportunity to randomly insert Rothschild in there :)

Also why would we want to attack Russia or China?

Bit like walking up to Mike Tyson and giving him a right hander :)

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What I was tryin too say was we pick our targets carefully when it comes too using human suffering as a reason to go too war

Ie we jumped quickly into Kuwait on humanitarian reasons but have carefully avoided other less profitable conflicts we could of weighed in on


I've no idea what Obama will or will not do not ry up on American politics to be honest o meant whichever party wishes too react the lit he represents likely one of the bush family or friend of said family at a random uneducated guess


If it where up too me not one single person would enter this country until soup kitchens homelessness and child poverty where eradicated you can't look after anyone else u til youn canon after your own IMHO


For one of the smaller nations in this Andy we sure take on a lot of others problems too soft by a long chalk


Think we are heading towards becoming a faceless superstate

Edited by arcticgun
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  On 07/09/2015 at 11:18, shepp said:


  On 07/09/2015 at 10:53, Truther said:


  On 07/09/2015 at 08:20, staffs riffraff said:

that's what I have started to think truther. Are they deliberately trying to cause a huge unrest so we go in to the whole middle east for control of the dwindling natural resources ? as they know we in the west just don't want war. Have they tried with atrocities by isis like beheading aid workers? mass killings etc ? In my view there are 2 things they are doing by letting this tide of people I biblical proportion come in 1. they are out to totally destroy Europe as we know it or 2. cause huge hate and resentment to all people of the middle east so we go in there big time.

Iv'e thought the same thing for ages mate, it's like a big game of political chess, and only poor people suffer, i doubt the genuine refugees would really want to come here to live in ghetto's?

The really poor ones will be in camps on the border. The ones we see coming into Europe either have some money or have family abroad funding their endeavours.

As for the tin foil stuff, I think you are a bit too in awe of the political class, giving far too much respect in believing they could plan some complex manoeuvre with our lives.

They struggle to get even the basics right, they are just making it up as they go, the same as you or would be if we were parachuted into a job we know f**k all about.



Getting a bit paranoid aren't we Shepp, nobody's mentioned jews i can see?.............You're defending jews because you know who's responsible, and so does everyone else...........tin foil hat..............getting a bit lame mate.

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  On 06/09/2015 at 12:13, tsteve9999 said:

I've yet to hear a sensible answer from a politician to the question "Where are these people going to live in a country that already has a housing crisis?" or, "What will happen to an NHS already struggling to keep the present population healthy?" or "How many extra roads will need to be built?", the list is endless.

amazes me in this country we have homeless folk kids going hungry working folks that need to vist food banks to survive as they are on low incomes but work yet we can give money and houses away away while Our own starve etc we are treat like shit by our own government and only remembered by them on voting day what a slap in the face for the men and women who fought and died to give the people a better life and keep there freedom Edited by Hunting loon
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  On 10/09/2015 at 19:43, maxhardcore said:




Now fooking 20k


Get sending the bloke E mails at least lads to let him know our thoughts on Illegal Immigration and bending over to Germanic Pressire.



What's the anti immigration petition number at press ?

Rising fast 40.000 in 2 days


keep sharing



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I think resentment is growing fast they can only ignore and pretend nothings wrong for so long


Especially when you read stuff like this





The non Muslim population of Europe should look up the story of Troy and the Trojan horse as its happening again on a much bigger scale Europe is welcoming the people that will slit their throats the minute their back are turned

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  On 10/09/2015 at 19:43, maxhardcore said:




Now fooking 20k


Get sending the bloke E mails at least lads to let him know our thoughts on Illegal Immigration and bending over to Germanic Pressire.



What's the anti immigration petition number at press ?

I don't remember why but,a few weeks ago I registered on twitter.

I have been getting tweets from Cameron and others coming through in my windows mail.

Anyhow I felt a rant coming on and answered or added to one with "why don't you tell Merkel to feck off"

I have not had any more from him. Does that mean he has struck me off his "Mates"? list or something?

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