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Through the long summer I've bumped into a man that used to know my father from years ago . As soon as you meet him you know he's a character he must be in he's mid seventies and although he's looking

Well went went out together today and had a look at he's permo , 500 acres of rolling hills and steep banks and all chalk and Flint lol. Got to say I enjoyed the day as we managed a 1.1 to my youngste

Fair play , I bet he's an absolute gentleman and as honest and straight as they come . Old guys like that are legendary and a big part of what this game is all about . Remember hunting hounds with a m

I asked him if he can remember he's first terrier he said " yeah a white terrier in 1949 " he was a a boy then . He's dug and hunted fished and shot everything that you could back then . He said he's seen many generation of lads go from boys to men, some carried on some got to old and most are dead . He said he's just kept on going he said he doesn't know how to stop as he's to old and long in the tooth to do owt else , that's he's exact words lol .

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Through the long summer I've bumped into a man that used to know my father from years ago . As soon as you meet him you know he's a character he must be in he's mid seventies and although he's looking a bit older he still looks strong and upright for a man of he's age , he still digs and lamps and mooches .

So after a good chat about our dogs and times gone by I says to him we will have to have a few digs together this season, when he came out with this pearler . He said " yes mate I could do with a partner this year as I'm slowing up a bit now because I've got this Cancer ! . I couldn't believe it ! I said mate you alright to go out digging ? He replied yeah I'm just a bit slower that's all . He said what am I going to do sit in and let it get me no no mate , I've got to get out I've done it all my life . I told him he doesn't have to lift a finger if doesn't want to and that he's company would be enough we shook hands and that was it . Then I get a phone call yesterday with him saying are you ready for the season as keen and excited as a youngster as he's just got some new permo 500 acres for us to dig our dogs on .

As I'm getting a bit older well I'm middle aged I'm still learning and will try and learn and listen from this old character . There's not many left of he's type I'll pay him a visit soon I'm sure he's got some good photos of old terriers as well and some good story's to tell and believe me I will listen .


Gives me goosebumps just reading this, good on you for giving the old fella the chance to keep getting out

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Fair play , I bet he's an absolute gentleman and as honest and straight as they come . Old guys like that are legendary and a big part of what this game is all about . Remember hunting hounds with a mate in the south of Ireland few years back , this old character used to be out all the time and shot many a fox . One day this arrogant young asshole was giving him bad manners and being smart , the old guy took his coat off , folded it up and sat it on the hedge , was like slow motion. Then he battered the shit outta your man , it was class to see and something that will stay with me forever

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Through the long summer I've bumped into a man that used to know my father from years ago . As soon as you meet him you know he's a character he must be in he's mid seventies and although he's looking a bit older he still looks strong and upright for a man of he's age , he still digs and lamps and mooches .

So after a good chat about our dogs and times gone by I says to him we will have to have a few digs together this season, when he came out with this pearler . He said " yes mate I could do with a partner this year as I'm slowing up a bit now because I've got this Cancer ! . I couldn't believe it ! I said mate you alright to go out digging ? He replied yeah I'm just a bit slower that's all . He said what am I going to do sit in and let it get me no no mate , I've got to get out I've done it all my life . I told him he doesn't have to lift a finger if doesn't want to and that he's company would be enough we shook hands and that was it . Then I get a phone call yesterday with him saying are you ready for the season as keen and excited as a youngster as he's just got some new permo 500 acres for us to dig our dogs on .

As I'm getting a bit older well I'm middle aged I'm still learning and will try and learn and listen from this old character . There's not many left of he's type I'll pay him a visit soon I'm sure he's got some good photos of old terriers as well and some good story's to tell and believe me I will listen .

Im sure you will enjoy your hunting a hell of a lot more now you have met this old chap and he will enjoy your company.I had a man who was in his early 80s that used to drive up to me from limerick which is a good 2hr drive 2-3 times a season to dig,he beat cancer 3 times but unfortunetly it took him in the end,a real old gentleman that loved his hunting,R.I.PJIMMY.

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hunted and met a lot of old characters,just watched, listened and learnt to their yarns ways and wisdom of the countryways, learnt more from them than any book could ever tell you,all getting lost now should all be writen down and recorded for prosperity,sadly characters are fast dissapearing in all walks of life,i firmly believe characters were born out of poverty and hardship which is not like it used to be hence lack of characters,alot of the old boys had nothing but were content with their lot,aslong as they could hunt, keep dogs ,ferrets,have ajar a pipe of baccy they were happy long live characters.

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