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Feeding Tinned Food

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Proud to say in 40 years of running dogs .............never opened a tin of dog meat .

I'm glad no offence was taken I avoid it myself but when needs must and all that I use the chubb from lidl and some dry mix and the cnuts do be rearing to go just look at the picture lol

plenty of dogs survive well enough on tin ed dog food and kibble . cant be that bad !!.

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Anyone feed resturant waste regurarly? Ive got a supply sorted just thinking it might be very heavy / fatty in the long run + then there is deserts and what not in it

I did at one point from an Italian resturaunt gave them allsorts of leftovers spag Bol pizza steak duck n chicken dishes all the left over veg aswell as some risotto pasta you name it n they were absolutely bang on with it in looks n performance didn't make them drink any more than normal or anything like that n was probably even better than I feed now which is mainly top raw stuff I'd go back to that way of feedin in the future again when Iv the time without a doubt..

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Anyone feed resturant waste regurarly? Ive got a supply sorted just thinking it might be very heavy / fatty in the long run + then there is deserts and what not in it

Resteraunt... Now that would be posh, 20 years ago my mutts got school dinner waste for years, my mum was a dinner lady.

Feck what Jamie Oliver said, my dogs looked great on turkey twizlers!!!

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Eggs are an amazing food but not to many of them as it can upset there stomach and give them the shits.

Smash the shells into a powder and sprinkle over there food just under half a tea spoon every day. Really good for dogs who have lost some teeth. Or suffering an abcess so chewing bones is out for a while. At least there getting a good dose of calcium everyday.

All the best king.

Edited by King.
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I fed tinned food for a week once while visiting family instead of the usual raw diet......I seemed to have to feed loads of it & the dog still lost condition in that week, never again....

I'd never feed anything but raw now...........making up the diet has for me become a really enjoyable part of keeping dogs....

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Interesting this post. I'm not a feeding the best rump steak addict.but I do think s varied diet is better.I feed.small dry.tripe.liver.kidneys.hearts.marrow bones.chicken.lamb neck.leftovers.knuckles.mince.I like meaty bones to get ghier teeth clean and excersize thier jaw.neck etc and keep em busy.if I had the time I think 4 small feeds a day is better than one large bowl at night.but work and other stuff makes this difficult

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Just a quick one, I haven't been feeding raw for a few weeks because I haven't been able to get anything decent so I have been feeding my lurcher tinned pedigree and her coat looks a lot better

Anybody else feed tinned food I thought it was supposed to be full of shit

If your dog's coat looks better on tinned then maybe she is missing our on something in her raw diet? Fat? Certain vitamins/minerals? What exactly does she get on her usual raw diet?

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Mines fussy as steve but it won't starve it self.wish mine would eat more but I hate a funny dog so it gets what its given lool

this will just pick at raw and I was just watching him lose weight drastically it was a pal who recommended chappie with rice I was dead against trying but did and the pup is thriving well on it , I have started adding some alpha puppy into it hoping to eventually get him away from tinned
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Anyone feed resturant waste regurarly? Ive got a supply sorted just thinking it might be very heavy / fatty in the long run + then there is deserts and what not in it

Resteraunt... Now that would be posh, 20 years ago my mutts got school dinner waste for years, my mum was a dinner lady.

Feck what Jamie Oliver said, my dogs looked great on turkey twizlers!!!

ha this place is kinda posh actually ,its a country house, there does be bbq ed bannanas in skins and all sorts in it, not a twizler to be seen haha
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