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Another Dimwit

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Of course it gets put on the net, people cannot help themselves these days. Just look at some of the posts on here, "look what I am having for my tea", "look at this for a sandwich" type posts every day. People cannot function now without sharing a picture.

lol says the man started a topic and shared a picture of a dead moth he had found at work ?
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Of course it gets put on the net, people cannot help themselves these days. Just look at some of the posts on here, "look what I am having for my tea", "look at this for a sandwich" type posts every day. People cannot function now without sharing a picture.

lol says the man started a topic and shared a picture of a dead moth he had found at work ?
Ha ha. Brilliant. I am going to post a picture of a airplane flying through the sky and ask " I wonder where it's going" next !
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Of course it gets put on the net, people cannot help themselves these days. Just look at some of the posts on here, "look what I am having for my tea", "look at this for a sandwich" type posts every day. People cannot function now without sharing a picture.

lol says the man started a topic and shared a picture of a dead moth he had found at work ?
Ha ha. Brilliant. I am going to post a picture of a airplane flying through the sky and ask " I wonder where it's going" next !
or you could just google it and find out where the aeroplane is going I suppose , Google good for finding out about dead moths as well ? ! Edited by marshman
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while its obvious the lad deserved summat, bit thats excessive, what if it had been a rat? Maybe he wanted to put it out its misery and knew no better, id have given him a slap and a lesson in hkw to dispatch a bunny, but 7000 there's cnuts causing proper misery to animals out there and left at it

why'd he fillm it ?.erh? because the sick cnut thought it was ,funny,got some kick out of it ,come on you know his a wrong un! oh know i will dispatch this rat and post it on you tube? oh i will just kick this rabbit and post on you tube ! crap for both ,sorry if you think either person is of sound mind to post either scenario!

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like I said, he deserved punished, but I tho k thats excessive, fook there vids on youtube a folk dropping rats in ferret cages, and all sorts, the adverts are full of wprmy pups that are obviously being mistreated but who ever heard of a dog breeder getting a 7000 fine, facts are he is a lad, he got a big fine, it will prob come out his dole, at 75p a month or summat daft, he wont learn his lesson from that, a good kick to the balls or a good slap off a big copper like we got as kids woulda been better suited. If it was my kid id be gutted, but theres kids doing a whole lot worse these days so forgive me for not wanting to hang the lad

yeah sorry wasnt being stroppy ,your right in your reply ,just posted a bit hastily, :icon_redface:

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