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The Future Of Working Lurchers.

Working lurcher Organisation - Countryside Alliance.  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. With the recent rumbles regarding a amendment. Do lurcher men want & club that is willing to promote legitimate lurcher work , communicate their concerns at a higher level and a platform to share knowledge,experience & field trials etc.

    • Yes - I think thats something we are missing.
    • I am not sure but, If i seen some action, id like to participate.
    • I am not interested.
  2. 2. Would You Join the CA "If " lurcher work was seen to be a concern of theirs?

    • I already am a member.
    • Id join "IF" they were seen to be working, to protect & promote legitimate lurcher work.
    • I am not interested .
    • No . Id not even give them Ten pence.

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It might help if this thread wasnt in the pinned bit because it doesnt get noticed.

Yes that is a point but if in the amongst the normal posts it drops down the rankings quickly . Originally two posts were running and it was requested they be combined and pinned,

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This will be a long term campaign, tough and certainly not for the weak hearted or those who cannot commit to and stick to the proposals as regards time and enthusiasm. Every body ,who is involved in

The term lurcher work covers a wide spectrum of countryside and sporting activities. I personally dont think joe public has any great objections to lurcher work as most of them wouldnt know or unders

With the recent proposed Amendment going on hold & a few related posts and topics on here..   Its got me thinking and most likely a few others.   I've touched upon the subject with some like

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Even though archived and obviously out dated it gives some interesting insights and statistics.
and somthing to copy lmao


Edited by desertbred
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Even though archived and obviously out dated it gives some interesting insights and statistics.
and somthing to copy lmao


Not apparently if you read their opinions on poaching I thought I was reading the Lacs white paper LOL

Edited by desertbred
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Maybe they wanted to portray themselves as law abiding citizens and change the way that members of the general public see lurcher owners. Not a bad idea really.

It was compiled in 2000 and was in favour of doubled up coursing and though not recognised by the NCC single handed coursing it appeared to go out of its way to sacrifice poachers and the script did bear a strange resemblance to literature used by Lacs to support their campaign to get hunting with dogs banned some 4 years later. May be you are right about the way public were encouraged to see lurcher owners , where they different to the organised coursers with permission. I suppose as long as some one still has permission and drives hares to guns or birds its still legal and the joe bloggs without permission and a gun is in breach of several laws not to worry aye.. I am one of the lucky ones. Before some one kindly points out that it was always illegal to trespass in search of game, it was a lot easier to gain permission when farmers were not threatened with£5,000 fines as they are under the present legislation if they allow lads with 2 lurchers on their land without the requisite gun or birds of prey to drive hares to..

Edited by desertbred
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That's a thing DB raising the profile of legitimate hunting, could make permission an easier to obtain.


Induviduals could be more credible being part of a recognised organisation.

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Certainly no one is asking for poaching to be legalised but if a farmer is willing to let individuals as opposed to clubs use his land why under present legislation should he be under threat of a conviction and £5,000 FINE if those running dont have a gun or bird is that legislation acceptable ? Tell lads we will change the law if you are part of an organised coursing club is that raising the profile ? wasnt the organised part what was focused on preban by the antis?

Edited by desertbred
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Ok i'm gonna stick my two penneth in. When this kicked off a couple of days ago i was sceptical and stated that. I quickly saw an opportunity to maybe change things for the better. The ACL in my opinion has already made its bed so to speak.

There's far more to do than change a committee or decide other ways to promote lurcher work.

I believe its run its course and for what ever reason has died out as a result.

I want to be part of a club that can decide its own way, not have to scrabble to claw back ground and is already committed to something i may disagree with.


Giro, i did answer the poll and said i did want some sort of club

I think we are complicating matters further by thinking the ACL is the way forward when it looks to me like its had its day.


Methinks JDARCY had a point.


Is it time to slide back into the vague light at the edge of the beam ? i'm not sure but i'm thinking.


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If sufficient numbers go direct into C/A as Mr Bonner appears ready and willing to discuss, why is there a need for third or fourth party intervention why not Lurcher Section within C/A and a representative at the table cut all the red tape just a thought. We are getting bogged down on this ALC matter.

Edited by desertbred
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If sufficient numbers go direct into C/A as Mr Bonner appears ready and willing to discuss, why is there a need for third or forth party intervention why not Lurcher Section within C/A and a representative at the table cut all the red tape just a thought. We are getting bogged down on this ALC matter.

back to where we started. a representation of credible lurcher folk to walk into the open door of the CA.




and the like

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