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The Future Of Working Lurchers.

Working lurcher Organisation - Countryside Alliance.  

104 members have voted

  1. 1. With the recent rumbles regarding a amendment. Do lurcher men want & club that is willing to promote legitimate lurcher work , communicate their concerns at a higher level and a platform to share knowledge,experience & field trials etc.

    • Yes - I think thats something we are missing.
    • I am not sure but, If i seen some action, id like to participate.
    • I am not interested.
  2. 2. Would You Join the CA "If " lurcher work was seen to be a concern of theirs?

    • I already am a member.
    • Id join "IF" they were seen to be working, to protect & promote legitimate lurcher work.
    • I am not interested .
    • No . Id not even give them Ten pence.

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If one considers all the lurcher shows up and down the country, other than the hunt shows, how many could be run in aid of a “Working Lurcher Club of Great Britain”? Then there’s members on forums etc who could join for a small fee. Then as a club a decent web site and facebook that holds larger events in aid of good charities, to help things like Children’s Hospices etc thereby gaining some really good publicity for the club. Good articles of how lurcher work should be done, write ups of dog saved from death row that went on to have a good working life and well-earned retirement etc. A running total of monies raised for charity and work it funded Then it could be used as a voice for lurcher work and a link that could be posted whenever lurcher work was mentioned, especially in a negative light, with an eye to get it up the top of the search result to bring some positive publicity in an increasingly negatively perceived area. In this modern world it’s all about publicity and perception one needs to publicise the right perception.

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This will be a long term campaign, tough and certainly not for the weak hearted or those who cannot commit to and stick to the proposals as regards time and enthusiasm. Every body ,who is involved in

The term lurcher work covers a wide spectrum of countryside and sporting activities. I personally dont think joe public has any great objections to lurcher work as most of them wouldnt know or unders

With the recent proposed Amendment going on hold & a few related posts and topics on here..   Its got me thinking and most likely a few others.   I've touched upon the subject with some like

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  On 02/09/2015 at 08:45, Giro said:

Giro, as I said ages ago, that was just an amendment NOT a repeal. We only have one go at a repeal, so we'd better make sure we'd win it. otherwise there is no point. People started getting confused with the amendment and a repeal, but they are two entirely different motions.


The CA does support lurchers. But if anyone thinks they can wave a magic wand and overturn the ban they are deluded. It's a long and rocky uphill road. The only things that will help lurcherwork are unity and money.

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  On 02/09/2015 at 09:41, sandymere said:

If one considers all the lurcher shows up and down the country, other than the hunt shows, how many could be run in aid of a “Working Lurcher Club of Great Britain”? Then there’s members on forums etc who could join for a small fee. Then as a club a decent web site and facebook that holds larger events in aid of good charities, to help things like Children’s Hospices etc thereby gaining some really good publicity for the club. Good articles of how lurcher work should be done, write ups of dog saved from death row that went on to have a good working life and well-earned retirement etc. A running total of monies raised for charity and work it funded Then it could be used as a voice for lurcher work and a link that could be posted whenever lurcher work was mentioned, especially in a negative light, with an eye to get it up the top of the search result to bring some positive publicity in an increasingly negatively perceived area. In this modern world it’s all about publicity and perception one needs to publicise the right perception.

It's a great idea Sandymere and alot of that already goes on...BUT it won't make a scrap of difference. The only thing that will ever make a difference is the votes/opinions of the politicians.... but that's JHMO. :victory:

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I would be happy to help any of the "old farts" :laugh: who know what their doing in any way i can, it would be a learning experience in itself. To show lurcher & terrier work in a true light, the lads that live for the work and not just the thrill of a kill, IMO it is a must we that we dont hide anymore and stand up and shout with good publicity not arrogance, the CA and others will only listen if we have a voice, if that's a club so be it, maybe someone with some clout can email Tim Bonner and ask exactly why Lurchers &Terriers are being cast out from their campaigns? You can say what you want but its clear the CA is focused on mounted hunting to fox rather than hunting with dogs in general.


I've been on this site a good few years and theirs clearly some of the older chaps with the experience and the care for the future of this way of life to help with a push for a voice before its too late.

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  On 02/09/2015 at 09:52, MickyB said:

I would be happy to help any of the "old farts" :laugh: who know what their doing in any way i can, it would be a learning experience in itself. To show lurcher & terrier work in a true light, the lads that live for the work and not just the thrill of a kill, IMO it is a must we that we dont hide anymore and stand up and shout with good publicity not arrogance, the CA and others will only listen if we have a voice, if that's a club so be it, maybe someone with some clout can email Tim Bonner and ask exactly why Lurchers &Terriers are being cast out from their campaigns? You can say what you want but its clear the CA is focused on mounted hunting to fox rather than hunting with dogs in general.


I've been on this site a good few years and theirs clearly some of the older chaps with the experience and the care for the future of this way of life to help with a push for a voice before its too late.

Maybe the CA focuses the mag and suchlike on the people who are in the CA. It's hardly going to fill the mag and website with lurchers when there are practically no lurcher owners in it.....

Get 500 lurcher owners to join up and i can guarantee there'd be more pics and articles for them.


There's many thousands of lurcher owners out there.....but I bet you'd never even manage to recruit 100...no 50 even.....too many want a free ride....


We will go round in circles until it's too late.....sadly. :cray:

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Politicians appear to be influenced by three things one is self promotion . secondly greed and thirdly public publicity . if the working dogs corner becomes vocal enough with the right publicity , campaign and numerical strength then it will pay dividends. Anything that comes easy isnt usually worth having so now whos up for the struggle relying on the national associations does not seem to be fitting the demands of the ordinary bloke whose voice appears to be ignored by the politicians and the country sports representative organisations, if I am mistaken some one show me where.

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i'd rather stick my money and support with a working lurcher club that was affiliated to CA rather than just hope they would promote us. Unity has to be the key.

And i think folk would join a specific club / organisation.

The hunts survive because they are integrated in countryside communities. They control vermin and fallen stock feed the hounds at a much reduced cost to the hide and skin merchants. They stick together and survive / thrive.

We need to adopt the same principles. What we do for farmers is also appreciated and could be utilised in the same way .

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  On 02/09/2015 at 09:49, J Darcy said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 08:45, Giro said:
Giro, as I said ages ago, that was just an amendment NOT a repeal. We only have one go at a repeal, so we'd better make sure we'd win it. otherwise there is no point. People started getting confused with the amendment and a repeal, but they are two entirely different motions.


The CA does support lurchers. But if anyone thinks they can wave a magic wand and overturn the ban they are deluded. It's a long and rocky uphill road. The only things that will help lurcherwork are unity and money.

With due respect mate. I know the difference between a admednent & repeal..


I'd like to see both..


I know one will be easier to tackle again though a difficult task.


I'd like to see this support of lurcher work then mate..


I'm like Rob Id like something.


I am not the man for the job.


I have no knowledge or experience of public speaking .


I don't have all the answers.


It would seem I have shared interest,as do many others in achieving something for our sport.


Unity and finicances will certainly strengthen the mix..


Who do I join and where do I place my hard earned cash ??

Edited by Giro
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  On 02/09/2015 at 10:09, Giro said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 09:49, J Darcy said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 08:45, Giro said:
Giro, as I said ages ago, that was just an amendment NOT a repeal. We only have one go at a repeal, so we'd better make sure we'd win it. otherwise there is no point. People started getting confused with the amendment and a repeal, but they are two entirely different motions.


The CA does support lurchers. But if anyone thinks they can wave a magic wand and overturn the ban they are deluded. It's a long and rocky uphill road. The only things that will help lurcherwork are unity and money.

With due respect mate. I know the difference between a admednent & repeal..


I'd like to see both..


I know one will be easier to tackle again though a difficult task.


I'd like to see this support of lurcher work then mate..


I'm like Rob Id like something.


I am not the man for the job.


I have no knowledge or experience of public speaking .


I don't have all the answers.


It would seem I have shared interest,as do many others in achieving something for our sport.


Unity and finicances will certainly strengthen the mix..


Who do I join and where do I place my hard earned cash ??


there's been 20 odd voters on this poll with a very similar theme. wanting the promotion of our interests but probably not wanting to trust the CA with our money. so who do we give our money to ? A working lurcher club with thousands of members will have more clout with big organisations in terms of forcing publicity than individuals joining an organisation with mixed interests.

FFS we have to do this

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can someone get a post / poll put up asking members on here directly if they would join and pay to join a working lurcher club to promote our interests. it would have to be worded properly though along the lines of Sandymere's comments above and other stuff ? and make it a sticky !!

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  On 02/09/2015 at 09:49, J Darcy said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 08:45, Giro said:

Giro, as I said ages ago, that was just an amendment NOT a repeal. We only have one go at a repeal, so we'd better make sure we'd win it. otherwise there is no point. People started getting confused with the amendment and a repeal, but they are two entirely different motions.


The CA does support lurchers. But if anyone thinks they can wave a magic wand and overturn the ban they are deluded. It's a long and rocky uphill road. The only things that will help lurcherwork are unity and money.




  On 02/09/2015 at 09:52, J Darcy said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 09:41, sandymere said:

If one considers all the lurcher shows up and down the country, other than the hunt shows, how many could be run in aid of a “Working Lurcher Club of Great Britain”? Then there’s members on forums etc who could join for a small fee. Then as a club a decent web site and facebook that holds larger events in aid of good charities, to help things like Children’s Hospices etc thereby gaining some really good publicity for the club. Good articles of how lurcher work should be done, write ups of dog saved from death row that went on to have a good working life and well-earned retirement etc. A running total of monies raised for charity and work it funded Then it could be used as a voice for lurcher work and a link that could be posted whenever lurcher work was mentioned, especially in a negative light, with an eye to get it up the top of the search result to bring some positive publicity in an increasingly negatively perceived area. In this modern world it’s all about publicity and perception one needs to publicise the right perception.

It's a great idea Sandymere and alot of that already goes on...BUT it won't make a scrap of difference. The only thing that will ever make a difference is the votes/opinions of the politicians.... but that's JHMO. :victory:


But is it not unity and money that gets politicians attention and votes?

I agree lurcher owners are their own worst enemy but they need to raise their profile, positively, to be part of the discussion or they will be left out of it. So perhaps it’s time to at least attempt a start to that aim.

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i look at it like this ,,,, clubs,,,,, hmmmm , like fox hunting meets and what was couseing clubs are a big target anti,s like to take down and will not be coming back they way it was,,,,,,,, let them keep biteing the heels on them,,,, whilst the small time rabbiter s dont get in the public eye,,,

Edited by tjones3862
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Lurcher clubs like terrier clubs only if your face fits an your up so an so ass your in our circle rest of us are only ever told what we are wanted to hear negative I know but that's what they all come down to in end an as already been said antis wet dream

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