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Suffolk Police Version Of Hare Coursing

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There ya go lads, drive a saloon and do it at midday, then they won't have a clue!!!!

Where can I get some of these minders? A vanload in front and behind would have me feeling very secure .

and at the end of the day if your dogs on a fixed lead you can walk where you like your guilty of nothing .your only guilty if you admit to being guilty .. more cases being thrown out now than ever be

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  On 03/09/2015 at 06:31, nothernlite said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 20:55, Hunting loon said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 19:44, Gaz_1989 said:


  On 02/09/2015 at 19:31, Hunting loon said:


  On 01/09/2015 at 21:39, suffolkpoacher said:

Shut the gate on rural crime and follow our advice on hare coursing:

Hare Coursing

The Hunting Act 2004 made hare coursing illegal.

Hare coursing tends to start after harvest, around the end of August or start of September when large tracts of land are left without standing crops.

Coursing is more likely to take place at dawn or dusk.

The most obvious sign is a group of vehicles parked in a rural area, perhaps by a gateway to farmland, on a grass verge, on a farm track or bridle path.

There will usually be estate cars, four wheel drives or vans. They may contain evidence of dogs inside such as muddy paw prints and dog hair.

Hare coursers often travel in convoy with vans at the front and rear containing minders.

If you see an event taking place we would advise you not to approach the participants but contact the police immediately.

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it seems to me the person who has wrote this is trying to brainwashing public into think everyone who owns lurchers and works lurchers are in criminal gangs hare coursing I believe spouting this shite does nothing to help people understanding the sport of dogs and causes joe public to fear and hate the use of lurchers guess if you spout enough lies someone will believe it !
They've been trying that since 2005 fella.

"All lurcher lads are also thieves and are violent if provoked". Tarring us all with the same brush.

maybe just me but sometime feels like a nazi state with all the lies and prejudice associate with working lurchers guess that's why I decide to have a break from owing and training a working lurcher as even though I follow the law made to feel like I was wrong see there lies almost worked brain washing me lol
so what your saying is you stopped working lurchers because of what other people were saying
no I didn't not get any after my dog was retired as there was so much hassle being stopped and being check if I had permission treated as though guilty of some wrong doing every time out we dogs and hope your not awa to try and argue we me over my views regarding being stoped and checked all the time having to show driving documents having to take motor to get checked to see it road worth etc just hassle everytime your stopped spoils a day or night out on lamp etc in the hope they can find something wrong but different policing in diffrent parts of country maybe Your left alone more where you are ! My view is that owning a lurcher and working them we suspected of poaching and wrong doing from the off only my view but they are like arse holes we all have them and guess that's what makes it good on a public forum mate !!! Edited by Hunting loon
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  On 03/09/2015 at 08:36, Hunting loon said:
  On 03/09/2015 at 08:14, nothernlite said:

Lol what would I want to argue for never been pulled in my life been caught poaching on estates but not once in my car or van for lamping or during the day must be doing something right must be hot up in Aberdeen area

where is your area ?[/quote mostly run my dogs in South Lanarkshire where I stay is a hot area cameras in local forestry and wildlife officers go about in quads but never get pulled touch wood don't draw attention to myself just plod on myself
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