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Saluki Xs

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Alrite guys just had a long chat with my mate about saluki xs and me being a novice to running dogs and never meeting a saluki or a x couldn't understand why he hated them he describes them as slow lazy they don't listen no recall and you can you know the rest so my argument was it's just a dog he must of f****d his one up witch he wasnt to happy when i said that. so I'd like to here everybody's opinions and experiences on/with them atb guys

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Ture mate i like the sound of the saluki bull greyhound but I just don't know much about them iv met a few bullx and yesterday met a smashing collie x and they all seemed same very nice dogs what are the saluki bull grays compered to a bull grey

Edited by green dragon
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facts are everybody different, some gel with colliex some bullx some salukix, a salukix is like marmite lol

True that. The saluki is definitely not for everyone. Aloof, independent and sensitive. Doesn't mean they can't be worked with. Just not by everyone. A lad on here had a belter with 100% recall, good all round obedience and good retrieve. You don't see it very often mind.

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facts are everybody different, some gel with colliex some bullx some salukix, a salukix is like marmite lol

True that. The saluki is definitely not for everyone. Aloof, independent and sensitive. Doesn't mean they can't be worked with. Just not by everyone. A lad on here had a belter with 100% recall, good all round obedience and good retrieve. You don't see it very often mind.
My lamping partner has got a coursing bred dog he uses on lamp, dog ain't too shabby and is loyal as fook, iv known it for 7 years since it was a whelp and it still won't let me walk it, goes mental to get back to him, dog is a pleasure to own for its owners but a cnut for everybody else lol

Sounds like a saluki. Lol

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They thrive on heavy work loads mine the more i do the more stable and consistant she is. They aint a simple walk few mile round the block type. Mine will try 100% bust a gut style. Really full on prey drive but out the field a pleasure to be around also. She the only one that comes in the van with me to work. Very very loyal.

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The sad thing is that Saluki lurchers are the most swapped around or sold on types there are, and precisely the sort of dog that shouldn't be passed from pillar to post for they do need a strong bond with their owner. Respect has to be mutual, and these dogs' loyalty is earned, not an assumed right just because we are humans. I see more adult Saluki types bought in at around 10-12 months old than any other sort. And the very people who buy and sell these dogs are probably the least likely to understand them or have the skills to deal with the problems arising from lack of early training, socialising or separation anxiety, for which read noisy in kennel.

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:yes:True words...


Personaly,...It saddens me, looking at pictures of young lurchers, up for sale on the various selling sites..


The poor bemused critters look so fecking lost and forlorn :cray:


You cannot tell men what to do, or how to lead their lives,.but in many cases, there is such a surplus of running dogs readily available, that it begs the question,.why keep breeding the feckers...?

As stated,...the Saluki hybrids are prime candidates for getting moved on,..and as stated,...they, (alongside the more primitive of Collie curs)...are the types that are least suited, to be moved from pillar to post...


Just my take on it.... :hmm:

Edited by Phil Lloyd
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I seen an add recently.

More or less it said. Lurcher for sale. Nothing wrong with it. Have no time for it due to going to college. Would think about swapping for a bullcross.


The college he's going to must only allow bullcross's in.

A more loyal dog you could never meet than the lurcher and yet they're treated like shite. Say's a lot for mankind.

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