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Good God!!!!! Thats Going To Loose A Few Admirers For These 2

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that's it , anybody shoot a gun , any young bloke wanting to make a name for him self more so on drugs , would take either of them gays out no prob , and they the krays wouldn't have been missed

It's 2015 ffs.   shagging your identical twin is a human right we should all support and push everyone else to accept,we're all the same and identitwinsexuals bring a colour and diversity to Britain

Sometimes you sound like a bit of a puffter the twins would of loved you

Didnt Reggie fess up a few things on his death bed. Sure killing a rent boy/another gay and the incest thing was mentioned in the papers back then at the same time. There was an article about the incest thing in 2010 in one of the Papers.

Edited by MickC
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i can only go by todays media ,but im sure they wouldnt last a minute in todays society ,some 17 year old scrote would stick a bullet/knife in them for fun!


No no......the east end would be a lot safer if they were around today..,,haha....

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Never understood the attraction some people have for the Krays...if your into that whole Gangster thing...Charlie Richardson the other side of the water had a better story to tell...clever business man to

Spent how many years banged up? god knows why anyones attracted to that. Pretty much an advert for why not to do crime rather than making it glamorous. Saw a program on a budget tv channel with the bloke who was on a tv show called how. He had charlie richardson on there. Only watched that as there talking he was an old boy and whilst i guess language or manners has changed, i rarely have heard anyone old swear lol. Anyway he came out with something and swore n just made me laugh to myself. Was earning good money legally even by todays standards and all of em reckon they were stitched up with the torture case dont they? If theyve done the bird already dont see why theyd lie.

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Never understood the attraction some people have for the Krays...if your into that whole Gangster thing...Charlie Richardson the other side of the water had a better story to tell...clever business man to

Spent how many years banged up? god knows why anyones attracted to that. Pretty much an advert for why not to do crime rather than making it glamorous.


I certainly wouldnt call it admiration but i have a healthy respect for any man who pulls himself out of the gutter and creates a better life for themself......the Krays were an extremely poor not particularly intelligent pair of brothers who used the only quality they had to obtain wealth.......maybe in todays times they could of just held their hand out and signed on the dole to get brand new cars !


It just amuses me some of the words that get thrown around whenever the Krays are mentioned...." admire "....." attraction "......glamour ".....if it wasnt for impressionable young men buying books and watching films about them they would have long been forgotten about by everyone apart from people of that generation or out of that area.

Edited by gnasher16
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Never understood the attraction some people have for the Krays...if your into that whole Gangster thing...Charlie Richardson the other side of the water had a better story to tell...clever business man to

Spent how many years banged up? god knows why anyones attracted to that. Pretty much an advert for why not to do crime rather than making it glamorous.


I certainly wouldnt call it admiration but i have a healthy respect for any man who pulls himself out of the gutter and creates a better life for themself......the Krays were an extremely poor not particularly intelligent pair of brothers who used the only quality they had to obtain wealth.......maybe in todays times they could of just held their hand out and signed on the dole to get brand new cars !


It just amuses me some of the words that get thrown around whenever the Krays are mentioned...." admire "....." attraction "......glamour ".....if it wasnt for impressionable young men buying books and watching films about them they would have long been forgotten about by everyone apart from people of that generation or out of that area.


If anyones kept their image alive its the press and the media...there's plenty of people that came from poor backgrounds pulled themselves out of the gutter...without resorting to crime...just by hard graft...but then theirs crime and then theirs crime...i mean you say about them buying brand new cars on the dole...i suppose driving motors of some poor hard working sods car lot and sometimes taking them back sometimes not like the Krays did is better?...or getting the local trades in to build your night club...then f***ing them off without paying them is a good way to obtain wealth?...Nah no respect for that sort of crime at all...i think people get all romantic about that London in the swinging 60's image...but in reality just a horrible couple of queers...and the worlds well rid of em...didnt they once send Mickey Duff some dead mice in a shoe box...because he wouldnt give them top table at a boxing do?...hardly Al Capone where they

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Well you,ve obviously read more about them than me i have no idea about some of those stories all i know is what ive been told by people of the generation and the area who knew them well enough to have an opinion.......describing people i dont know as " horrible " is something id reserve for kiddy fiddlers but each to their own i guess we all walk our own path and knowing the area like i do and experiencing the very back end of the post war poverty in these parts i can see how folk of a certain standing would do whatever it took to obtain wealth at anothers expense as they were dog eat dog times that simply cant be compared to present day standards......i dont have a problem with that but trying to justify crookedly acquired wealth to straight acquired wealth is like trying to justify hunting to an anti its just a waste of time so nothing to talk about there.


" hardly Al Capone ".......what if they was though....worse or better ?


Edited to add.....very little was heard about them during the 70,s and early 80,s.........it was when the first real wave of crime books came out that their following grew and media interest went up.

Edited by gnasher16
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I worked with a plummer who was apprenticed to a fella who worked on their club...they spared no expense in doing up their club...then f****d off all the local trades and paid no one...taking the cars off the car lot...ask around he said it was common knowledge...everyone too scared to do anything...the fella with the car lot couldnt even claim on insurance as he darent report them stolen and had to swollow it...as for 'kiddy fiddlers'...well one of them was...as thats what led to their down fall


Al Capone better or worse?...i dont know...but he was certainly much much more successful...that was my point ;)

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Well you,ve obviously read more about them than me i have no idea about some of those stories all i know is what ive been told by people of the generation and the area who knew them well enough to have an opinion.......describing people i dont know as " horrible " is something id reserve for kiddy fiddlers but each to their own i guess we all walk our own path and knowing the area like i do and experiencing the very back end of the post war poverty in these parts i can see how folk of a certain standing would do whatever it took to obtain wealth at anothers expense as they were dog eat dog times that simply cant be compared to present day standards......i dont have a problem with that but trying to justify crookedly acquired wealth to straight acquired wealth is like trying to justify hunting to an anti its just a waste of time so nothing to talk about there.


" hardly Al Capone ".......what if they was though....worse or better ?


Edited to add.....very little was heard about them during the 70,s and early 80,s.........it was when the first real wave of crime books came out that their following grew and media interest went up.

just read your edited to add..'Britains Gangland'...by Norman Lucas...published in 1969...a book i had as a kid...the whole Kray case was in it...it was all over the papers...and has continued to be through the 70's 80's 90's ect ect...everyone knows the Kray's story...

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