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Foxhound Lurcher Pup

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Young bitch coming on well, just turned 10 months old. Bottom pic was a night out last week she did o.k putting 4 in the bag, weather was great and loved the new Cluson LED Lazerlite lamp! shes keen a

my pups sister noodles  

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To be honest straight2hand you can't see the fell hound in there too much it looks a real (they all do) look like real long dogs have they held on to the stamina that you'd want? The old fella on particular looks a a nice type

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Interesting topic. I hope you don't mind my adding to the thread. I got a dog from a friend of mine about a year ago. It was an accidental cross between the mother to my best stag and July hound that was in his words, "...what I've been breeding for over the last 20 years." The dogs name is Bandit and he's got unbelievable endurance for a dog that moves as fast as he does. He's always hunting on the run but has a great top speed. I'm very impressed with this dog and have been running the tar out of him for all but the hottest days of the summer. He's got a good hard coat, tough skin and is very well tempered with dogs and people. I'm also surprised that more people aren't pursuing this type of cross.


Looks a hardy type of animal, I think something like that wouldnt have a problem dealing with most quarry looks very strong.

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To be honest straight2hand you can't see the fell hound in there too much it looks a real (they all do) look like real long dogs have they held on to the stamina that you'd want? The old fella on particular looks a a nice type

Thats a good point the Fellhound is obvously watered down abit now but I hope there is enough in there, she has thrown straight back to her grandads colour and markings are very similar, so something is still kicking about in there, I will find out when this pup is old enough to run but she is promising so far, I hope to go back in with a fell hound x to one of these pups in the future to get back towards the strain. Yes her dad the old boy was a very strong animal back in the day!

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The Fellhound x Greyhound was started by myself the picture posted here are of my dogs or pups that I have bred the x brings a lot to lurchermen looking for something with strength and not a bull x and stamina and not a saluki cross they have courage and take all game the reason the fellhound was used is they are a lighter boned hound than traditional English foxhound who I believe would be to heavy when the x is first used ie first x fell greyhound they can be a bit 1 paced especially on hares but if you go 3/4 greyhound 1/4 fell then they are more than capable of catching hares and have good stamina they do not open up at least mine never have and that includes first x the x also gives them very good feet the x is worth exploring and do not be put off by there being 1/2 fellhound in the blood as they are obedient and do not hunt on if you don't want them to my own dogs are used mainly for lamping and they are worked without a lead or collar on and stay to heel until told to go the ideal way to breed this x is to use the fellhound as the sire as there seems to be less litter wastage I may try fellhound x Deerhound in the future as I hear that they can better the greyhoung x and there is practically no litter wastage

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