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Just talking to me old father and we've only seen one lol , it was a border dog called billy my father can even remember he's KC name it was Dandyhow Brusselsprout lol such a silly name for a truelly hard dog . Anyway so the story goes a very good local digging man used to buy border dogs of an old lady that used to show them . She sold him Billy because he had one ear bigger than the other . He took the dog home and put it in a run with another dog and bitch when he got up in the morning the other dog and bitch where both dead and billy was sitting on top of the kennel , he was only 12 months old then. That done the bloke as he didn't like fighters so he sold it to another man . He had him until he was two only trouble was this man used to supplement he's wage by selling fox pelts and billy used to smash them so he sold him to another man . He wasn't really a digging man but used to bush him with he's lurchers anyway after him having to dig him out of another fox earth he got the hump and sold him to my fathers mates and this is where he earned he's reputation.

Billy learned to be sensible with plenty of graft but could go through the gears when needed. I can mind my father coming home late one Christmas Eve and my mother having a right go at him because he'd been out digging with he's mates . He said I can't help it a dog is stuck to ground my brothers and me said who is it dad he replied Billy's stuck under a concrete slab that's got metal bars running through it . Christmas morning no dad he was up early and home late then Boxing Day morning dad was gone . Eventually he come home that night stinking of drink as they'd got billy out that afternoon and they'd thought they'd better celebrate with a few jars , mum is still narked with him to this day thirty odd years later lol.

Anyway billy was bred to all my fathers digging mates bitches , Rosie a jrt x bull ,my fathers bow legged jack bitch Sue and another of he's mates bitch they used to say it was a lakie but in truth it was a brown mongrel terrier . All the pups worked to some degree . One pup was sold to a pet home and the woman gave it back because it killed her cat and that one turned out to be a decent digging terrier. They all where scatter bred pups no line breeding they weren't even the same breed and he through more workers than not . Eventually men got to know billy through plenty of worker and bitches where bought to him and again he still threw plenty of grafters. Billy is still talked about to this day by the older men that dug In my county . Sorry for the long yarn lads just thought billy was worth a mention , that and I'm bored lol .

Don't like fighters,but there is something special about a dog sitting on the kennel all innocent,with two dead dogs in the run LOL
. What a nob


Would you like to explain that statement a bit better??

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I reckon that some dogs in some lads heads and minds are legends to them,everyone has 1 special terrier that sticks in there mind for life,like that old dog in my avatar,he done it all week in week ou

I can remember my early days as if it were yesterday,the smell of cut wood in the back of an old escort van where i sat surrounded by all the digging kit and dogs and ferrets if we were ratting .Norm

Just talking to me old father and we've only seen one lol , it was a border dog called billy my father can even remember he's KC name it was Dandyhow Brusselsprout lol such a silly name for a truelly

Pick and Bar: Your a great writer, the tales you spin really tear me up; the contrast of the dog doing what it's bred to do, what for him is the ultimate thrill, combined with the sadness and solitude of death below ground. I really struggle with this side of the game; the two completely opposing extremes of joy and despair leave me both exhilarated and extremely sad. I still don't know what my opinion is on it, but it is compelling reading.

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Sorry i don't really know what ( text book digging means) , a man i knew and was goingddigging with in the early nineties said it about a few fellows who got into it then. He had been digging he would tellme in hhis younger years, with some types and legends in his area. He was A good lad on the shovel for depth and even though he was a lyer, ( [BANNED TEXT] i hated) he wasrright, and better digger than others, their after

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Ruby, the dark days after losing a dog are hard. You only ever lose a good one! The rubbish never tries hard enough, to put itself in them predicaments.

These dogs live very violent hard lives,as long as they are kept well and warm after hard graft I'm happy.

Well said. I've known it only once hence my struggle. Guess I've never really got over it.

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Ruby, the dark days after losing a dog are hard. You only ever lose a good one! The rubbish never tries hard enough, to put itself in them predicaments.

These dogs live very violent hard lives,as long as they are kept well and warm after hard graft I'm happy.

agree with you there, but the don't all live violent lives to be good and the not soft, I've had some last one's and the not violent characters, but yes the know what a fox is, and if need be the give it all, but would show respect like a. True gem
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