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Weapons, Cars And Law

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I'm just watching some shit telly. There's a programme on about bailiffs, and so on. Anyway, some Indian driving instructor has been caught with a kitchen knife in his car, no idea why, don't really care, but it's made me think...


So imagine, We're/I'm driving to a perm. I carry a knife. And a rifle for that matter. I get pulled over. The old bill find the knife, where do we stand? Naturally it is being used for a reason while out in the field, as knives do.


It is an offenence to carry a bladed weapon, but clearly I'm on my way to a shooting permission.



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Just watching that myself! :laugh: All comes down to having reasonable justification for having whatever knife or implement is in question. If you have a genuine reason to be in possession of it at the time you will be all right. :thumbs:

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  On 27/08/2015 at 22:28, villaman said:

Its not offence to carry a knife as long its not a lock knife or a blade over 3.5 "

That's in general, ie you don't need to have reasonable justification to carry one to those specifications. Anything bigger or locking then you need to be able to prove that whatever activity you're doing warrants it, as long as it's not something illegal like a flick knife or butterfly knife. :thumbs:

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  On 27/08/2015 at 22:32, Malt said:


  On 27/08/2015 at 22:28, villaman said:

Its not offence to carry a knife as long its not a lock knife or a blade over 3.5 "


That's in general, ie you don't need to have reasonable justification to carry one to those specifications. Anything bigger or locking then you need to be able to prove that whatever activity you're doing warrants it, as long as it's not something illegal like a flick knife or butterfly knife. :thumbs:
That's about it. As Malt says, as long as you have justifiable use for the blade you have nothing to worry about. Fishermen,butchers,hunters and a host of tradesmen use knives habitually and legally. My mate's son is in the army and has been known to carry a ceremonial sword from Sussex to Edinburgh on public transport wrapped in brown paper. A chap on his way to cut nettles on his allotment would be perfectly entitled to carry an eighteen inch scythe through the streets.
Interestingly ,for the purpose of the knife Laws a car is considered a public place.
Where a relatively innocent person might come unstuck is the carrying of something like a knife or folding saw while out for a walk in the woods.Telling a policeman that you have it for the genuine purpose of cutting an interesting stick or collecting fire-wood would seem a reasonable use. A clever copper might then,awkwardly enquire where you intend to collect your wood and if you actually have the land-owner's permission to hack their trees about .
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  On 27/08/2015 at 23:25, Rez said:

His reason was to cut electrical wires... but still got banged up for it :D Oh well.

Cutting electrical wires ain't reasonable justification when you're a driving instructor, especially with a kitchen knife like he had! :laugh: :laugh:

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i got pulled on my way home last sunday night i had my rimy and my 243 and the copper asked if i had a knife i said yes when i showed him he said your not allowed to carry that type of knife because its a lock knife it was a openel when i come home i checked on BASC web site and you are allowed to carry them if you got good reason i showed him gutted rabbits in the back of my truck

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You've just got to be sensible.Having a knife when you're going shooting is acceptable. Having the same knife in the door pocket of your car because you'll need it next time you go isn't.


It amuses me that plod shit themselves more over a knife than the rifle in the car.

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  On 28/08/2015 at 06:11, valley boy said:

i got pulled on my way home last sunday night i had my rimy and my 243 and the copper asked if i had a knife i said yes when i showed him he said your not allowed to carry that type of knife because its a lock knife it was a openel when i come home i checked on BASC web site and you are allowed to carry them if you got good reason i showed him gutted rabbits in the back of my truck

Well that copper needs some re-training then, it is perfectly legal to carry a lock knife if you are going hunting/fishing, or I would suggest camping also, as it is a fixed blade knife, however as others have said, if you had it with you when you take the kids swimming or in the park, then you have no reasonable excuse, the only knife you are permitted to carry in public, without an excuse is a folding knife (pen knife) with no locking blade, and a blade length of less than 3 inches, however take it to a football match, and it could still be regarded as an offensive weapon.

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