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Racist Or Not ?

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I think its quite refreshing to hear a black person say " we are a bunch of f**k ups " rather than the usual " we are poor helpless victims "........fair play to him i say.

It seems now days, only a black dude can state the obvious without being arrested !!

pastor manning lol  

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  • 3 weeks later...

several pharohs whos mummies were examined had red or blonde hair-ramses was one...more black people locked up in america now than were slaves at the time of the civil war(im not racist-just facts)

But isn't the black population bigger in the USA now,,to what it was 150 year,,?

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several pharohs whos mummies were examined had red or blonde hair-ramses was one...more black people locked up in america now than were slaves at the time of the civil war(im not racist-just facts)


Have you seen the depiction of ramses. How bout his parents. They were black.




seti is ramses father. Was he white , no. Find his mom too.

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The guy has a point, not racist but white man took black men, women from mud huts and used them for donkey work to build America , now that they have equality what have they done? Only turned most of their ghettos into homes the west side boys would be right at home.

Black man sold £££ brother black man / woman to the white man . some brothers conveniently forget .

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The guy has a point, not racist but white man took black men, women from mud huts and used them for donkey work to build America , now that they have equality what have they done? Only turned most of their ghettos into homes the west side boys would be right at home.

Black man sold £££ brother black man / woman to the white man . some brothers conveniently forget .

It's where slavery started and still goes on. People scoff at the snobbery laden class distinction in UK ireland USA etc but don't have a clue about any of the caste systems in Africa and India for example.

Hence why half caste is seen as a racist term.

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Black people have never achieved what others have because they never needed to be intelligent (by western standards) in order to survive.


there is nothing wrong with that,it means left to their own devices they won't overpopulate or cause much pollution.


obviously we can't peacefully or happily share a country with them,but the planet's big enough for everyone to have their own land.


fu** off wanker.. ancient egypt civilized the first european civilization, .. the greeks, who civilized europe, used to march to egypt for their education. not to other european country.



also, my heritage, axum,


The Kingdom of Aksum or Axum, also known as the Aksumite Empire, was a trading nation in the area of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea pre-Islamic Arabs,[2] which existed from approximately 100–940 AD. was one of the great 4 empires of the world


he, the black priest in video says africa never build one monument, well here is axumite monument 1700 years old .


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Black people have never achieved what others have because they never needed to be intelligent (by western standards) in order to survive.


there is nothing wrong with that,it means left to their own devices they won't overpopulate or cause much pollution.


obviously we can't peacefully or happily share a country with them,but the planet's big enough for everyone to have their own land.


fu** off wanker.. ancient egypt civilized the first european civilization, .. the greeks, who civilized europe, used to march to egypt for their education. not to other european country.



also, my heritage, axum,


The Kingdom of Aksum or Axum, also known as the Aksumite Empire, was a trading nation in the area of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea pre-Islamic Arabs,[2] which existed from approximately 100–940 AD. was one of the great 4 empires of the world


he, the black priest in video says africa never build one monument, well here is axumite monument 1700 years old .



Mitochondrial DNA tests prove that the ruling class of ancient of Egypt were always of European stock,they even at times,married their own family to keep it that way,but civilization started in the middle east long before,not Egypt


No part of Sub-Saharan Africa had even invented the wheel until they were colonised.


It's a safe bet that Arabs showed the Africans how to build those monuments,an equally safe bet the Africans provided the labour for them under threat of the whip,which is an achievement in itself :thumbs:

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Black people have never achieved what others have because they never needed to be intelligent (by western standards) in order to survive.


there is nothing wrong with that,it means left to their own devices they won't overpopulate or cause much pollution.


obviously we can't peacefully or happily share a country with them,but the planet's big enough for everyone to have their own land.


fu** off wanker.. ancient egypt civilized the first european civilization, .. the greeks, who civilized europe, used to march to egypt for their education. not to other european country.



also, my heritage, axum,


The Kingdom of Aksum or Axum, also known as the Aksumite Empire, was a trading nation in the area of northern Ethiopia and Eritrea pre-Islamic Arabs,[2] which existed from approximately 100–940 AD. was one of the great 4 empires of the world


he, the black priest in video says africa never build one monument, well here is axumite monument 1700 years old .



Mitochondrial DNA tests prove that the ruling class of ancient of Egypt were always of European stock,they even at times,married their own family to keep it that way,but civilization started in the middle east long before,not Egypt


No part of Sub-Saharan Africa had even invented the wheel until they were colonised.


It's a safe bet that Arabs showed the Africans how to build those monuments,an equally safe bet the Africans provided the labour for them under threat of the whip,which is an achievement in itself :thumbs:



ancient dna, scientists said impossible to prove, and many of them said can be easilly contaminated , hence why the results came as of european stock, lol, yet when you look at their drewing they were black.. maybe the original black europeans lol. i know bout those dna tests and seen articles by scientist who said you could never get accurate from such ancient dna , and they talke bout contamination. ontop of that even the language pf ancient egypt is not of european lineage..if anything dna should show part asiatic partafrican, not european.


i dont know why you talking bout the wheel invention, this so offtopic.


ofcourse now i showed you monument and you say, well its dafe to say arabs showed.... but offer no proofs for that, just the proof that you are a racist .

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In 2010, researchers analyzed DNA from the ancient Egyptian boy-king Tutankhamen and 10 of his relatives (JAMA, 303:638-47). It was a blockbuster study. Revealing family relationships among the 3,300-year-old royals and identifying the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in several of the corpses, the research grabbed headlines and was even the subject of a 3-part documentary aired by the Discovery Channel, which partly funded the project.

But the work drew criticism from some ancient-DNA experts, who claimed that the results could be explained by contamination from modern humans. The ensuing row deepened a long-standing rift among researchers who aim to coax genetic secrets from the mummified denizens of bygone civilizations. “For sure it is a highly debated field,” says Carsten Pusch of the University of Tübingen in Germany, who was part of the team that analyzed King Tut’s DNA. “The tone of the arguments is sometimes a little bit strong.”

On one side are “believers,” who claim to have analyzed DNA from dozens of Egyptian mummies. On the other side, skeptics view such claims as highly problematic. DNA breaks down more quickly in hot conditions, causing many to doubt whether fragments long enough to enable reliable analysis can survive for thousands of years baking in the Egyptian desert.

What’s more, many of the studies have relied on the classical Sanger sequencing method in which the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used before sequencing to amplify specific fragments of DNA. Such methods are particularly susceptible to contamination, says Tom Gilbert of the Center for GeoGenetics in Copenhagen, Denmark. “If you have a well-handled sample from a mummy, you might have a tiny bit of mummy mitochondrial DNA and tiny bits of modern mitochondrial DNA,” he says. “If you do PCR, you amplify both up and get both appearing at very high frequency” compared to other genetic material in the sample. Additionally, the skeptics say many mummy sequencing studies were done without proper controls.




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No more needs to be said really,does it?


If you're still not convinced read the book of the dead.


How would they build great civilizations without even having the ability to build a cart or domesticate a horse off their own back?

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