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Net Migration To The Uk Hits Record High

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So much for the Tory pledge to curb immigration after years of saying it was too high under the Labour government.. Just goes to show how much real control those in power have over what's happening..


We're being flooded, not just us but Europe in general. EU migration to the UK and non EU migration to the rest of Europe which will have a knock on effect. They're kicking off in Germany, it's being put down to 'far right elements' but I'm starting to wonder how much of that is accurate and how much of it is the general public getting fed up. I read somewhere that at one of these demonstrations at a German immigrant centre the general public were all honking their horns in support as the public drove past as requested by the organisers of the demo. People all over are getting pissed off, but with us here being the most tightly repressed, controlled and subdued bunch we'll just carry on moaning about it and do sweet FA no doubt..

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This at the same time French authorities are preparing their military for potential civil unrest in their immigrant areas. As well as missile terror attacks carried out by this growing enemy army......


Pretty f***ing soon, we will be facing a trained, experienced, equipped and finally and importantly organised enemy force, akin to the IRA.


What the f**k is going on? Maybe the French could offer free holidays to American servicemen as an effective counter terrorism strategy?

Edited by Born Hunter
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Unfortunately free speech died in this country long ago. You SHOULD be able to say "I don't want any more bloody foreigners here. Feck off!" but if you do, you are labelled something-ist and you are bad.


If on the other hand you say nothing, the government assume everything is tickety-boo because no-one is saying anything. :o


The sooner we get out of the EU and start living by our own laws, the better.

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Its disgusting how much damage has been done to this countries way of life and heritage


One generation is all it has taken to do the irreparable damage


How many times have the pro immigration mob tried to mock and try to make a fool of those who said things like......in 50 years time native Brits or warn of the spread of Islam

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Take a look at some of the reports coming out of sweden and norway. Anyone want to guess the rape capital of europe, heres a clue its got 1 of the highest percentages of moslem immigrants....read people read... learn whats really happening in europe not what the ruling elites media are drip feeding you

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