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Thinking About An Air Rifle

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Hi guys. I am thinking about getting an air rifle. It's a long time since I had one and they have change so much.


I think I will have around 400 to 500 to spend. On one. Not sure weather to go for a spirger like I had years ago. Or look at pcp Any advice etc you can give will be appreciated

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An Ultra. Kit it right out too... :) Scope. The lot.


Any 300 plus springer will also be fine. But you may get annoyed at missing more than you hit early on. If you dont want to miss, within reason, go the PCP route, if you "want" to become a good shot, go the springer route.

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Get a TX. You'll benefit from a 'tuned feel in an out of the box set up'. The issue is that if you don't have a springer, perhaps a lower end one, shooters don't benefit from the shooting process of a high end rifle. As there is nothing to compare it too.


If you get a 500 quid PCP, you won't get any better. It's like having bad eyes and always wearing glasses, your eyes will become weaker and rely on the lens in the glasses all the time. The analogy is, refine and improve your shooting technique with a rough as ya arse springer, and benefit from this when you miss 1 in 10 targets wit your PCP, or I like to think, your TX.


Get a TX. Honestly.

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Let us know what catches your eye. There's pros and cons with all things and opinions will always vary.

Best advice is get yoursen to a gun shop. Without money in your pocket :yes:

Have a hold and a good look over what's on offer. More importantly what fits and is comfy. For you.

Come away and mull it over.


Don't be a sheep. Get what feels right for you. You would be gutted if you got something based on other folks opinions and you didn't get on with it.

It's not about going with the flow! Or pleasing the masses.

I and others have been through some "high end" airguns. Ultimately shifting them on and moving onto something else because they weren't just right.


One thing I will say is that if you are going to buy blind based on someone else's opinion. Spend your money wisely on something with a high resale value.

Check out this or other forums sales section and take note of what's for sale and how much.

Gunstar is always a good place to look.


Can't knock the lads suggestions of an ultra. Cracking little rifle. Holds it's value for resale and well within your budget for a complete setup.

But will it be for you?

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Im with moxy and rez on this


dont go and buy some thing just because it looks good as some manufactures are good at making there product look like the bee,s knee,s but in reality there crap i like that it looks like a sniper rifle sort of thing and you would be better off throwing the bloody thing at the target .


the ultra is a cracking rifle but the only down side is the shot count you dont get many out of it unless you get it reg,d then it go,s up a bit


My grandson little hunter has one and he would not part with it but i must stress he uses it for hunting only where the shot count dose not mater as you very rarely use that many any way .


Now the tx200 is an amazing rifle in any cal 177 or 22 (note i put 177 first Mark) the only down side of this rifle is the bear trap on the side but once you have mastered it its not a problem any more defo one to check out


the pro sport iv had loads of them i like this rifle over most bar one the only thing about the p,sort is the under leaver its made out of aluminum and feels flimsy at times both the springers i have mentioned are cracking out of the box just add scopes put them in your gun bag pick up your pellets and off you go out the box they cant be beat in my opinion.


Now then the springer i hold close to my heart and iv had that many iv lost count the hw97k out the box they need tuned and polished add a v mach kit and you have the best spring rifle money can buy .


why have i not mentioned any other pcp,s apart from the ultra well if you have not shot an air rifle for some time get a springer get used to shooting targets again and once you can put ten pellets in the center of a 5p size circle at your prefer,d zero,d range ie 25 , 30 yards and you can do this with ease and only then are you ready to hunt


i only say this as i was out of shooting for a few years and feck me when i got back into it i had to learn all over again as the rifle,s now are not like the old ones lol some of the old ones were better lol


Learn with a springer then move on to a pcp and a shooter you will be and well respected and thought of off the lads to


any one can pick up a pcp and shoot it and shoot it well, to well in fact


but to shoot a spring rifle and be good at it well that's another story all together .


Right its not just the rifle you buy but the scopes you put on it dont go and buy a cracking rifle then put a cheap scope on it .


If you buy a good rifle put some thing good on it unfortunately a cracking bit of glass will set you back a few pounds

but will make all the difference when your shooting i like the MTC range cracking scopes and so are the hawk range but i only like a few of the hawk range but thats just me .


as moxy has say,d go to the rfd shop and hold a few see what suits you and have a look at some of the scopes


BUT AS MOXY HAS SAY,D DONT TAKE ANY MONEY WITH YOU some rfds will try to sell you there crap just to get rid of there cheap stock


and if you buy cheap you buy twice end of but at the end of the day it your money all we can do is try and point you in the right direction, all of the rifle,s that have been mentioned you can get off the second hand market and most have been tuned and kits fitted and have good glass on them and for your budget you may even get change


What ever you do decide on ask us what we think of it first and we will let you no .


And as for cal well ill let the others sort that out lol


What ever you get have fun and stay safe .


atvbmac :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Hi Ross,

The lads on here know their stuff, all that`s been said is good advice :yes: .

Main things to pick up on, - your budget, BSA Ultra, Springers namely HW 97`s, AA Pro Sport and the AA TX 200 HC.

I would go springer if i were you, to restart your interest and "hone" your marksmanship. Then pcp afterwards.

I would lean towards any of the HW`s or Air Arms springers, whichever suits you best.


Good luck with your choice :thumbs:

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