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Calvin Davis

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Anyone know someone called Calvin Davis email address calvindavis70@yahoo.co.uk


This address and locality


32 Hancock Road


SE19 3JW



If so or if anyones local to him let me know..

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Hi Mate,


I found your forum post when I conducted a search for the same person:


Calvin Davis

32 Hancock Road


SE19 3JW

United Kingdom


He ordered over £400 worth of equestrian equipment from our online store and we have just received a chargeback for it, it appears that the card he used to purchase our goods was stolen.


Did you manage to find out anything about this person at all?





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I have been stung by this fraudster twice in August for a sum just under £1,000! It has been reported to the fraud squad within the police. I just hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. I have also now turned on 3D secure on my website for all payments and I would suggest you do the same which means they can't do this again. I was advised that if they have learnt they can do it once they will try again multiple times.

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I have done some digging and may have found the person of interest selling my products on Ebay. IanB & Mark Addison-Nash would be good to know what products he had from you guys as i am still digging. I have now had a total loss of £1,500 from this person and i am going to do my upmost to try and find him and get him done and get my products back! Drop me an email sales@tannertrading.co.uk if you do not wish to expose it on here.

Thanks in anticipation


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The person in question is a fraudster that seems to find it fun to go around online stores and buy expensive products on stolen credit card details. Then leave us the suppliers out of pocket!

Yes but how did he get to bieng mentioned on the hunting life is it hunting stuff he goes for

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