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be honest I lost a good promising russell at three years of age last season , she never let me down too the day she died , some people will laugh at a three year old dog , but she amazed me at times , and was one of them that from day one worked like she been doing it for years. a good dog too me is a true dog and if she couldn't get on she would dig her way on , just forward all the time and would only open up when she was face to face, what I would call an honest dog , and that you cant ask for no more , a true terrier. any way she died under a bale whilst ratting , gutted was an understatement . i put her to me mates Lakeland dog which i kept a pup out of , last season at 11 months i put her in a drain what was marked and she bolted a brace latching on too the second one trying too exit , so i was happy with that ., too be honest ive been holding her back and even tho she has a great nose , shes a little hesitant , so this season is make or break , i will give her a fair crack of the whip ,...be honest i think she will be ok with more she sees . my mate gifted me a Russell which is quite small , being about three year old now and has a heart of a lion ,......that's ok but consistantcy is wanted but so far so good , she is very raw as she hasn't seen much , but what she has seen has been very promising . shes not a looker but has it in her. this season for me is very exciting and will be my decision maker . i have another young Russell/Lakeland which will work but its early days and wont be shown anything until after xmas , but hes already self entered at 8 months by accident whilst out walking , last few weeks been exciting and we only started last week , so getting quad and boxes ready is the build up , early mornings out , if the terriers get too see anything its a bonus ,. hope every one has a good start

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Nice one pabs been dying to get out myself but the weather to hot here we had a storm last week so it wasent as hot for a cuple of days I went out mooching and found a new spot really big n rangey s

And we're off!!! got bit and stung to death,lack of scent and stupid undisciplined youngsters.Out of bed at 0230 hrs home at 1930 hrs that's it now 2/3 days a week plus gamekeeper calls. Wouldn't have

be honest I lost a good promising russell at three years of age last season , she never let me down too the day she died , some people will laugh at a three year old dog , but she amazed me at times ,

Got my first one of the season on Friday, I've been out 3 times. Younger dog never found, it keen but missed one, oh well early weeks. Older dog found it ( 6 half yrs) worked very well. I thought the was nothing in, just had more experience to look for the Way to get to it.

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Nice one pabs been dying to get out myself but the weather to hot here we had a storm last week so it wasent as hot for a cuple of days I went out mooching and found a new spot really big n rangey sand spot on flatish ground with lots of holes kicked out to death a proper fortress lol so tried the pup he was mad to be in started going round and round for a good cuple of hours then finally got a mid tube mark of 1.5 so started digging quick got to .5 and they moved on so blocked 1 side to try cut the earth size down but it dident work they still had full access it did lose him a few times as I followed him to the entrances 3 times but every time he seen me or heard the beeper he backed off and whuldent come out I was happy tho as he found it again each time and had a cuple more mid tube marks but deeper ones from 2 to 3 meter and after a few whacks with the spade they moved on again I was starting to lose my cool abit as ied been ther all day with no food or drink and my lighter broke threw sand in the pocket lol even tho it had rained all night and was grey it was stillI warm I was sweating and clammy I had my old bitch pegged out as I marked the earth with her first and she started barking as I looked round I seen old Brock stood ther about 10 meters from the hole stood perfectly having a quick glance around then he was gone into the bushes about 10 mins later the pup come out the same hole so I grabbed him quick checked him over and pegged him up and got on with the back filling as I was walking back to the motor over the earth nackerd with the 2 dogs bag and 2 spades the little f****r pulled me arse over tit trying to have back down the earth he went in @ 11am and come out at 5pm was lucky I had the old bitch pegged out or I whuldent of seen the quarry making his exit I was happy with the result even tho I never had a successful dig as he shown me he can find them if they lose him and he's got a real desire for graft I learnt more about the dog that day than if I whuld of gone out and got a quick dig with him

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Good stuff haze, no flies on you mate, on the ball. Say also that's the way to go on the weather too, go with it. I was like that out too with getting dehydrated and sweat. Start bringing some sandwich and a drink, especially if you're out a while in a place. I like your dog too, all the best Fella!

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