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Best Collie Xs

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You want a lassie type collie mun, won't hunt shit but will tell you when johnny's stuck down the well and it'll always find its way home.

Collie lurcher pups

Id concentrate on the whelp at hand for at least 4 years before id even think of owning a second dog,ill guarantee that the average lurcher owner cannot justify 1 dog in the kennel and rarely meets th

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Being honest he doesn't have to justify how much he works a dog how many people on here can hold their hands up work all they dogs to the max? I don't I got 3 but I walk them all daily feed them good grub their happy and we put some game away together ! I know some people are die hard hunters and want to big numbers to brag to the lads but some people love hunting and dogs and like to have 2/3 about them not harm really Is it?

If i did not have the time to graft 1 jukel id not own 2,or even 3,i don,t do numbers now and have never understood the need for numbers over hunting quality,quality seldom reflects a number count,fact.I own over 7 hunting terriers and lurchers,combined total,ill guarantee that they will seldom account for a slimmer dog kennel,yet they are grafted and tested to my requirements and are seldom bored.Its so fecking naive to think or believe a dog that catches less than its cousin is worked less.Or the naivety that another dog is needed in an environment that it will seldom be exercised in.
I'm not saying any different mate but that's your requirements other people have different ones he might want them as pet/workers like I said some people are hardcore hunters and it's all about working the dogs some people love dogs and hunting and just put along and catch odd and ends if you catch my dift


We possibly sing from the same hymn sheet,many do,thankfully,the facts are that in the majority of "tested" kennels ,1 dog will suffice,i know for a fact that i could get rid of 3 of mine and it would not impact on my hunting lifestyle,so why do i decry another wanting more than 1 dog to justify their hunting requirements?,im an opinionated twat?,an opinionated twat that cannot find enough graft for his dogs at times,especially as he as a son that grafts many of them for longer than his pater,not to the same standards perhaps?yeh right.Ill sometimes guarantee that 1 dog in the kennel is more rewarding than 3,id not own 3 when its as easy to feed 7,my treble standards are rarely justifiable,until the quarry is surrounded and as nowhere to escape,thats another story.

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Being honest he doesn't have to justify how much he works a dog how many people on here can hold their hands up work all they dogs to the max? I don't I got 3 but I walk them all daily feed them good grub their happy and we put some game away together ! I know some people are die hard hunters and want to big numbers to brag to the lads but some people love hunting and dogs and like to have 2/3 about them not harm really Is it?

If i did not have the time to graft 1 jukel id not own 2,or even 3,i don,t do numbers now and have never understood the need for numbers over hunting quality,quality seldom reflects a number count,fact.I own over 7 hunting terriers and lurchers,combined total,ill guarantee that they will seldom account for a slimmer dog kennel,yet they are grafted and tested to my requirements and are seldom bored.Its so fecking naive to think or believe a dog that catches less than its cousin is worked less.Or the naivety that another dog is needed in an environment that it will seldom be exercised in.
I'm not saying any different mate but that's your requirements other people have different ones he might want them as pet/workers like I said some people are hardcore hunters and it's all about working the dogs some people love dogs and hunting and just put along and catch odd and ends if you catch my dift

We possibly sing from the same hymn sheet,many do,thankfully,the facts are that in the majority of "tested" kennels ,1 dog will suffice,i know for a fact that i could get rid of 3 of mine and it would not impact on my hunting lifestyle,so why do i decry another wanting more than 1 dog to justify their hunting requirements?,im an opinionated twat?,an opinionated twat that cannot find enough graft for his dogs at times,especially as he as a son that grafts many of them for longer than his pater,not to the same standards perhaps?yeh right.Ill sometimes guarantee that 1 dog in the kennel is more rewarding than 3,id not own 3 when its as easy to feed 7,my treble standards are rarely justifiable,until the quarry is surrounded and as nowhere to escape,thats another story.

FFS I've heard it all. Do as I say, not as I do. Lol. At least you are honest.

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You said (none there all shit) unless I read it wrong? I was just looking for a chat about collie xs and to see what works best for people atb mate

well i have a lurcher with collie in him , beardie and border , but he also has bull in him.

If i was going to buy a collie cross i wouldnt care what collie was used as long as the parents were doing the job i wanted the pup to do ..And imo a collie based lurcher (not just collie/grey) can make a far more versatile mutt than a c/g


i think the main reason is the addition of other breeds helps keep the collie sensitivity at bay , but this is just my opinion

id still prefer to own a 3/4 collie 1/4 grey than most other crosses lol


I wonder what acd x grey like regards temp, I know p/l says they can be very good guard type dog, as acd in pure form good guards and will use there teeth . but don't know if there as sensitive / wimpy as border collies xs , ive had 3 border colliexs and all were in my opinion over sensitive , but saying that my gsd x grey just as bad really , you can up set them dead easy . if the acd x grey wasn't over sensitive type temp, I reckon you have good lurcher and a 1/4 acd x 3/4 grey prob make good alrounder .


The ones i've seen have been pretty rock solid Bird,there so happy to please and so quick to learn that IF YOU GIVE THEM the out let for their inteligence then there a easy dog to have around :victory: ,leave one bored and hell will be in your yard :yes: ,,

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Being honest he doesn't have to justify how much he works a dog how many people on here can hold their hands up work all they dogs to the max? I don't I got 3 but I walk them all daily feed them good grub their happy and we put some game away together ! I know some people are die hard hunters and want to big numbers to brag to the lads but some people love hunting and dogs and like to have 2/3 about them not harm really Is it?

If i did not have the time to graft 1 jukel id not own 2,or even 3,i don,t do numbers now and have never understood the need for numbers over hunting quality,quality seldom reflects a number count,fact.I own over 7 hunting terriers and lurchers,combined total,ill guarantee that they will seldom account for a slimmer dog kennel,yet they are grafted and tested to my requirements and are seldom bored.Its so fecking naive to think or believe a dog that catches less than its cousin is worked less.Or the naivety that another dog is needed in an environment that it will seldom be exercised in.

Who's said his second dog would be seldom exercised?


You seem to jump to a lot of conclusions.


Possibly because i know the answer before the question,a nugget stands out like a fat tart at a slimming pageant.

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Of course you did mate best in the Country

Bloody liar,i only breed Beddy/Whippets.
Oh yea I bought my from Hancock it's proper shit


His daughter must have bred it then,Hancock never bred a duffer?and ive never pissed in the sink.

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