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I'll be flying the same Harris hawk as the previous seasons. I'd like to be able to get in another one but as much as I try I can't justify the need for more than one bird due to time, quarry numbers

you might be lucky ,I just got A spar last friday,look on facebook & birdtrader.

I will be flying my 7 year old male PR German gos, will pull him next month or so. I may also get my 6 year old female imprint gos out later in the season. She has a knackered foot from 2 seasons ag

Fascinating topic .. l'd love to be able to participated, but realistically l haven't the time available.

Slightly off topic but! ... are there any Harris hawks that has successfully bred in the wild in the UK? .. some that may have escaped or been lost and have bred and have succeeded in rearing young that are now at large and have never had any form of human contact? .. apologies if its a daft question, just curious to know .. atb

I've never heard of it but I don't see why it wouldn't be a possibility?! Only the other week my dad saw a Harris hawk in the woods opposite my house, no falconer in sight and jessies attached, he went out with his glove on and some food in hand but the bird wasn't interested, so I suppose if escapes are common in one area you could have a few birds living in a close area and with them being such social birds anything could happen! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

well now the season is under way, don't be afraid to post your days out, fails too(lol)

Monday and wensday were rest days for my bird, but Tuesday nothing about so just finished off with recalls, Thursday kicked up a hen pheasant which she gave it all followed it in a big thick gorse bush(80ft square) had to track her on the telem as lost sight of her over a hedge, found her in the gorse, today nothing about so more recalls as didn't have much time on my hands due to other commitments

tomorrow were ferreting some good rabbit land so should have some good results

atb bullet

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