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If it’s any help in clarifying what support (or otherwise) terrierwork has ever received from the Countryside Alliance….   It’s been said elsewhere on this thread that “If it wasn't for the NWTF al

All these big "field sports groups" are wankers to a man.......if it don't involve a gun or a hound pack then you can f**k off !!   And dont anyone mention fishing either cause 99% of fishermen woul

Can you really blame the Countryside Alliance? Look at the French Hunting thread to see people who work terriers give the boy stick because its not "their" type of hunting.   You either support the

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It amazes me how many people take terriers out without a shotgun. You cannot under the act flush quarry from underground without the intension to shoot it. You can miss or not be quick enough to get a shot but you must have a gun present with intention to shoot to be legal.

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  On 22/08/2015 at 21:20, foxbolter said:

It amazes me how someone would want to ever take a gun Out with terriers u would be better off with a lurcher on the slip

It amazes me that anyone that grafts terriers fails to recognise the fact that a gun on post is the only way a lurcher is allowed to accompany the days activity.

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I might've driven at 72mph once but that was due to an engine management fault.


If I had my way personally I would never ever kill a strong healthy fox and I mean that, I understand how keepers and farmers need to look after their own interest but I'm coming from a hunting point of view. In an ideal world never again would I have to shoot a fox but unfortunately the way the law is it means we have to.

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The law on terrier work somehow ended up being a biased piece of legislation. The glaring omission was it afforded no protection for the sheep farmers who predominate much of the upland areas of the uk.Whoops sorry they were given special dispensation they were allowed to use two hounds to find and force a Fox out of a 1500 acre planting to a waiting gun.Brilliant! The Secretary of state at that time and the professors he was in consultation with have an iq I could only dream of , Oxford and Cambridge boys,masters and honours degrees letters and titles that follow their names yet they arrive at this .We live in a country where the stable door gets closed after the horse has bolted .Between 2002 and 2011 there have been six attacks on small children most of them infants in London, the last being the twin 9 month old sister's.this Fox was reportedly accounted for.But let's look at a perfectly feasible scenario, an infant gets attacked inside someone's property the child's screams alert the parents and the child is rescued before a tragedy occurs.This Fox is recognised by the parents as a regular visitor to their property as they have been feeding it and it is currently rearing a litter beneath their summerhouse.Their outlook on foxes now takes a dramatic change ,they now realise that the image that Chris Packham and the Springwatch team portray of these "beautiful creatures" is choreographed to suit the tree huggers and choose not to warn the public about the real dangers.The most important issue for this couple who now realise it was unwise to encourage foxes into their garden is for this Fox to be dealt with,the rest of the residents in the street are divided ,those with infants their perception of the fox starts to change they become more vigilant ensuring their doors and windows are kept closed and refrain from feeding the foxes,those in the street who dislike foxes anyway dislike them even more and the ones who feed them with nothing to lose have no empathy with the couple and blame them for having a door or window open despite it being 75 degrees outside.In the background the pro hunting sections of the press seize on the opportunity to highlight that the urban Fox is diversifying and acquiring a taste for our children,whilst all this is going on the pest controller has been and surveyed the situation ,the rimfire is out because of a public footpath to the rear so out comes the cage trap he informs the couple they will have to give it a while for the Fox to acclimatise to the trap and it may catch a few of her mates first and in the meanwhile she might move on.Then comes the bit the couple find difficult to comprehend he says she could be bolted from under your summerhouse into a net and dispatched but the law does not allow it in these circumstances.the law should of encompassed all those who needed protection and there should already have been another amendment to cover the above situation

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  On 23/08/2015 at 07:49, foxbolter said:

I know the facts of the law on terrier work and I also know that when driving down the motorway you must never go over 70 mph how many take a gun with terriers then drive over the speed limit

I know that you know what we should know,to carry on hunting within the constraints of the legislation that seeks to restrict our hunting activities.At times we may need to travel at 69mph to get to our destination safely,Geez thats deep for me on a cloudy Sunday evening.

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  On 22/08/2015 at 20:54, jeemes said:

It amazes me how many people take terriers out without a shotgun. You cannot under the act flush quarry from underground without the intension to shoot it. You can miss or not be quick enough to get a shot but you must have a gun present with intention to shoot to be legal.

ive more chance of flying than getting a gun licence, Hence the question mate
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  On 23/08/2015 at 19:01, cantona said:


  On 22/08/2015 at 20:54, jeemes said:

It amazes me how many people take terriers out without a shotgun. You cannot under the act flush quarry from underground without the intension to shoot it. You can miss or not be quick enough to get a shot but you must have a gun present with intention to shoot to be legal.

ive more chance of flying than getting a gun licence, Hence the question mate


You dont need a licence or a gun if there is someone with you who has got both. The law says that the intension must be to shoot. The CA wont back you if you are not legal. Thats what this topic was about originally. Are you a member btw?

Edited by jeemes
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