J Darcy 5,871 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Barrie mate ,ive had dealings with their insurance people and was left very disheartened ,nay very pissed off actually at their reluctance to back up a lad doing legit terrierwork who finds himself in need of advice .I stand by the fact that real terrierwork is not covered by the policy but would love to hear from anyone whos been treated well .A man can only honestly comment on whats been put infront of him at any one time in life ,not hearsay ,not money talking just facts . No doubt there are good men in the org but yet to meet one who is as passionate about our way of life as we are . Just to let you know mate ,their underwriters small print excludes the 'digging out of mammals'.Just one way to nul and void your insurance . terrierwork is LEGAL in the U.K. ? so no insurance should be void if you are digging a fox in the UK and you have written permission from landowner or agent to authorize that work? It is not legal to dig to a fox. In England, Scotland or Wales. 1 Quote Link to post
WILF 48,101 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Which brings us nicely back to the OP I think. Quote Link to post
Corkman 944 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 (edited) Barrie, you have come on here and replied and to be honest you come across as a great lad. Your organisation probably is under funded, you would probably like the machine that the CA have at your disposal all the time. This is the point of lads though mate, the CA is NOT under funded......it has direct access to politicians........I would assume it has the funds to mount high profile media campaigns in the national press like the RSPCA do and LACS. But.....it don't !! And what's more, I would say the vast majority of lads who have subscribed have never and would have no interest in going out following mounted packs. It's your bricklayer or your steel worker or your builder or your furniture mover that own a lurcher that have been providing a big chuck of these people's income and they feel over looked, not wanted......thrown to the wolves. I think the point is that all these lads ain't paying 60 sovs to ride round lanes in a jeep and watch a mounted pack 4 miles away through a set of binocs.......they want some action for their money that moves towards giving them their own dog work back. I may be wrong but that's how I see it. Interesting discussion, but as usual many appear not to see the wood from the trees? Many ill informed or think they know better yet do little. A question for the Lurcher lads who are knocking the C.A. for not doing enough for them. With respect. Why don't ye get up off yere backsides and set up your very own national representative body???? Terriermen have a superb national organization, the NWTF and make themselves heard as a group and have done Trojan work over 30 years to protect their game!. By the way, if you work terriers in any fashion "YOU" should be a member, no if's or but's. Just cough up. It should be like a union subscription for terriermen and an embarrassment if you do not support your own. You pay up and they act on your behalf through many channels such as the C.A., council of hunting orgs, and independently, etc. you may not hear what is going on behind the scenes daily but you know they are there and if you are genuinely interested in your sports make time to attend the AGM where you can be well informed. Every other fieldsport activities have national bodies. The foxhounds have the MFH, Shooting men BASC, hawkers even have their own body to represent "their" interests. Don't leave it to someone else to do it for you. Then as a focused group build up alliances with other orgs and make yourselves heard cohesivesively. This is exactly what all the other national hunt orgs do for "their own" sport and then use the C.A. which they help support and fund to help them. Then you will have knowone else to blame but yourself....... Might see a few lurchers on the C.A. Mag then? P.S. That terrier did look like a Corgi. ;-) Edited August 20, 2015 by Corkman 6 Quote Link to post
WILF 48,101 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Ok, fair enough but let's have it right......the stated aim is "working to over turn the ban on hunting with dogs" Not mounted packs, or ratting packs or anything else........dogs, that's it. Last time I looked my Lurcher was a dog and so was my terrier. I have paid family subscription, single member, bought the stuff from the magazine, made sure a couple of quid went in the pot every time I got offered one of those shit plastic wristbands and Uncle Tom cobley and all. So as far as I was concerned, I was in an organisation that represented what I do and I bet my bollocks to a barn dance that what other lads thought as well. Not having a dig at you mate, but as I said, let's have it right 1 Quote Link to post
stop.end 4,082 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Barrie mate ,ive had dealings with their insurance people and was left very disheartened ,nay very pissed off actually at their reluctance to back up a lad doing legit terrierwork who finds himself in need of advice .I stand by the fact that real terrierwork is not covered by the policy but would love to hear from anyone whos been treated well .A man can only honestly comment on whats been put infront of him at any one time in life ,not hearsay ,not money talking just facts . No doubt there are good men in the org but yet to meet one who is as passionate about our way of life as we are . Just to let you know mate ,their underwriters small print excludes the 'digging out of mammals'.Just one way to nul and void your insurance . terrierwork is LEGAL in the U.K. ? so no insurance should be void if you are digging a fox in the UK and you have written permission from landowner or agent to authorize that work? It is not legal to dig to a fox. In England, Scotland or Wales. Could you show me where that is written into law.... when the landowner has given consent please, see I just cant seem to find it! Quote Link to post
WILF 48,101 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 (edited) I could be wrong but I think the specific wording is that you can use a single dog to bolt a fox to the gun for the protection of game birds and you can dig to rescue the terrier if You believe it to be trapped below ground but you can't dig to a fox. I could be very wrong but that's how I understand it. Edited August 20, 2015 by WILF Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Barrie, you have come on here and replied and to be honest you come across as a great lad. Your organisation probably is under funded, you would probably like the machine that the CA have at your disposal all the time. This is the point of lads though mate, the CA is NOT under funded......it has direct access to politicians........I would assume it has the funds to mount high profile media campaigns in the national press like the RSPCA do and LACS. But.....it don't !! And what's more, I would say the vast majority of lads who have subscribed have never and would have no interest in going out following mounted packs. It's your bricklayer or your steel worker or your builder or your furniture mover that own a lurcher that have been providing a big chuck of these people's income and they feel over looked, not wanted......thrown to the wolves. I think the point is that all these lads ain't paying 60 sovs to ride round lanes in a jeep and watch a mounted pack 4 miles away through a set of binocs.......they want some action for their money that moves towards giving them their own dog work back. I may be wrong but that's how I see it. Hi Wilf Thanks for those kind words, they're taken in the spirit in which I'm sure they were intended But even if I had £1m at my disposal...... all it would do is sit in the bank gaining interest. As I.M.H.O. very little practical benefit would be achieved by splashing out on some form of media campaign (or other similar venture) at this point in time. Yes.... at long last we do have a "sympathetic" Government in power, but one with only with a very slender majority. Recent events have shown quite clearly, that majority is insufficient to get through even a relatively minor Hunting Act amendment, and as a result it would be extremely foolish for anyone to even consider attempting to go for Full Repeal (at this point in time). I can understand your frustrations and I share many of them..... but Repeal will be a one shot battle, if we lose it we will never get a second chance. I very much hope that E.V.E.L. will help redress the balance of power and the present Government has the decency to honour their manifesto commitment to a free vote on Total Repeal. There is no other organisation in this country, apart from the CA which is calling out for Repeal, nor is there ever likely to be. It won't be an easy battle for them to win, but they're the only one with a fighting chance. J.M.H.O - Barrie 6 Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 (edited) I could be wrong but I think the specific wording is that you can use a single dog to bolt a fox to the gun for the protection of game birds and you can dig to rescue the terrier if You believe it to be trapped below ground but you can't dig to a fox. I could be very wrong but that's how I understand it. Hi Wilf That's a pretty fair summary of the situation..... for a more detailed summary and details of the Act itself go to http://www.terrierwork.com/huntingact.htm Y.I.S. - Barrie Edited August 20, 2015 by Barrie 1 Quote Link to post
WILF 48,101 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Can't argue with any of that Barrie......and if I am totally honest it matters little to me anymore as I have moved country but I understand the OPs frustrations very well as I too shared them at one time. I personally have lost all faith in "organisations" .......none of the big ones have any genuine interest in the ordinary member, it's all just drinks for the boys. I am sure you do sterling work and I am in no way insinuating that you don't work hard for YOUR members. At least you are here, your giving us your well informed viewpoint so that shows a bit of fibre. All the best to you matey 1 Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 Thanks Wilf and my very best wishes to you too..... wherever you are I hope you're having fun. Kindest Regards - Barrie 1 Quote Link to post
timmy k 591 Posted August 20, 2015 Report Share Posted August 20, 2015 I have no problem with joining the nwtf but as it stands I believe you have to be in a club, where does that put unsociable people like myself who don't want to join a club? 2 Quote Link to post
WILF 48,101 Posted August 21, 2015 Report Share Posted August 21, 2015 I hope I am very wrong but I personally don't believe we will ever get full repeal, IMHO the best that will happen is that ordinary "non professional " terrier men and your back garden lurcher owner will be left where they are as part of a deal to bring back full mounted hunting. The media machine at the RSPCA and LACS thunders on unabated, continually driving their message home to the public, they have high profile media figures posting on social media all the time, they have TV ad campaigns running all the time......it's the only message the public ever receive about hunting so that the one most of them naturally revert to. Hunting has none of those things.....at all !! So frankly I dont think they attaché much political importance to full repeal, there just won't be the political will for it because the voter base will be broadly anti as that is the ONLY propaganda they ever see. As far as I am concerned it's alright the CA saying we are doing this or that, news flash, your losing !!.......not only are you losing, it's actually 8-0 with 5 minutes to go till full time......the RSPCA/LACS team are wiping the floor with with you. Reality check time !! I hope I am very wrong.....but I don't think I am 4 Quote Link to post
Barrie 1,325 Posted August 21, 2015 Report Share Posted August 21, 2015 Barrie mate ,ive had dealings with their insurance people and was left very disheartened ,nay very pissed off actually at their reluctance to back up a lad doing legit terrierwork who finds himself in need of advice .I stand by the fact that real terrierwork is not covered by the policy but would love to hear from anyone whos been treated well .A man can only honestly comment on whats been put infront of him at any one time in life ,not hearsay ,not money talking just facts . No doubt there are good men in the org but yet to meet one who is as passionate about our way of life as we are . Just to let you know mate ,their underwriters small print excludes the 'digging out of mammals'.Just one way to nul and void your insurance . Hi Foxdropper I'd be interested in hearing more...... I'll PM you my home number. Regards - Barrie 1 Quote Link to post
jeemes 4,573 Posted August 21, 2015 Report Share Posted August 21, 2015 Barrie, you have come on here and replied and to be honest you come across as a great lad. Your organisation probably is under funded, you would probably like the machine that the CA have at your disposal all the time. This is the point of lads though mate, the CA is NOT under funded......it has direct access to politicians........I would assume it has the funds to mount high profile media campaigns in the national press like the RSPCA do and LACS. But.....it don't !! And what's more, I would say the vast majority of lads who have subscribed have never and would have no interest in going out following mounted packs. It's your bricklayer or your steel worker or your builder or your furniture mover that own a lurcher that have been providing a big chuck of these people's income and they feel over looked, not wanted......thrown to the wolves. I think the point is that all these lads ain't paying 60 sovs to ride round lanes in a jeep and watch a mounted pack 4 miles away through a set of binocs.......they want some action for their money that moves towards giving them their own dog work back. I may be wrong but that's how I see it. Interesting discussion, but as usual many appear not to see the wood from the trees? Many ill informed or think they know better yet do little.A question for the Lurcher lads who are knocking the C.A. for not doing enough for them. With respect. Why don't ye get up off yere backsides and set up your very own national representative body???? Terriermen have a superb national organization, the NWTF and make themselves heard as a group and have done Trojan work over 30 years to protect their game!. By the way, if you work terriers in any fashion "YOU" should be a member, no if's or but's. Just cough up. It should be like a union subscription for terriermen and an embarrassment if you do not support your own. You pay up and they act on your behalf through many channels such as the C.A., council of hunting orgs, and independently, etc. you may not hear what is going on behind the scenes daily but you know they are there and if you are genuinely interested in your sports make time to attend the AGM where you can be well informed. Every other fieldsport activities have national bodies. The foxhounds have the MFH, Shooting men BASC, hawkers even have their own body to represent "their" interests. Don't leave it to someone else to do it for you. Then as a focused group build up alliances with other orgs and make yourselves heard cohesivesively. This is exactly what all the other national hunt orgs do for "their own" sport and then use the C.A. which they help support and fund to help them. Then you will have knowone else to blame but yourself....... Might see a few lurchers on the C.A. Mag then? P.S. That terrier did look like a Corgi. ;-) So now lurchermen should find there own way? I thought the whole point of the CA was the ALLIANCE bit. They have spent a lot of money persuading us to join them and be one body. Ive spent plenty of money and put in plenty of effort in supporting that and trying to defend HUNTING WITH DOGS without distinction. The law banning hunting effects us all the same and should be defended equally,the CA advise that the whole should stick together. Has far as I know they do not suggest we create and join other bodies,far from it they are competing for there business as it is without us creating more competition for them.. 4 Quote Link to post
Bosun11 537 Posted August 21, 2015 Report Share Posted August 21, 2015 I have no problem with joining the nwtf but as it stands I believe you have to be in a club, where does that put unsociable people like myself who don't want to join a club? I can vouch for Tim's unsociability, it's driven both by his looks and nasty little habits. Even subscriptions should be handled by a third party! Quote Link to post
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