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Deerhound Collie Lurchers Advise

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Just wondering anybody use these and are they good all round dogs been told it takes a while for them to grow up my mate swears by they and he says I should get one instead of beddy cross whippet what u lads think as I have always owned cross saluki greyhounds or salukis

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Yeah still think beddy whippet for me but like say mate has always used them recons more to them like I say I have never owned one so don't really know to be honest though I have owned and worked saluki cross lurchers for years I just love the rough coat look of both and to me reminds of a proper gypsy traveller old school lurcher

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Forget x,s or breeds. Get a pup off stuff that's doing what quarry your after and you'll no go far wrong. The two you mentioned are the opposite end of the scales like dotty said


get something mid range everythings covered think about it

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If u want a bedlington x go for the beddygreyhound a bit bigger stronger and faster and much more of an allrounder than a bedlington whippet but that's just my opinion I really like the beddygreyhound i think it will be my next lurcher good luck in your choice but like Ross said get a dog from worker to worker atb corey

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