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Macnas; Your New Avatar?

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Is it just my eyes, mate? Only I just looked at ye 'Pirate' guy there and it suddenly struck me that he appears to have certain similarities with ye old Rasputin one. Something about the nose, maybe? Though, of course, I'm only going on dim memory now. But the two just somehow seem to share something, in my eye.


Got me wondering: Is that an actor ye like, who's played the parts of Rasputin and a Swash Buckler? Or is it just purely coincidental and a pair of images that simply struck a chord with ye?


If the latter; I can't help but wonder if ye were again drawn, perhaps unconciously, to some points of feature which I believe I may be seeing myself?



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As you rightly guessed, the old avatar was Rasputin. It's an actual photo alright, not an actor.


The new one is a picture of Bill Anderson, the confederate guerilla fighter who fought on the Missouri/Kansas border.


If they share anything, it may be a certain manic countenance. I chose them as I fool myself in thinking I look something like them. Just as you had your "I'm going to die with my boots on" phase, I had a "no haircuts, no shaving" phase, and the pictures are a harken back to that peculiar time.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Excellent stuff! So that was indeed Rasputin himself, eh? Brilliant! I don't think I've even knowingly seen a genuine shot of him. I'll look foreward to Ned Kelly in due course then.


Rebellious characters who refuse to go down, eh? I know it's a ridiculously old fashioned and unscientific concept but; Just from the striking similarities in those two, I'm drawn to wondering if closer set eyes and a thin bridged nose isn't an almost symtomatic feature?

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Lombroso would be delighted his theory of criminal physiology is still appealing to you Ditch.


All too often we develop opinions based around scant evidence. In other pictures of Rasputin, it can be more clearly seen that he had grand big nose, and his face takes on a altogether coarser cast when seen frontaly.


The picture in my current avatar is the only one ever taken of Bill Anderson, and even at that, it cannot be confirmed that it is actually genuine, in other words it could be of some other southern bushwacker who fancied having a tin-type likeness made.


It may well be, that being brought up on the toe of someones boot and a hard life thereafter has some effect on one's features. Rasputin lived in poverty and hardship most of his life before his relativly brief time at the court of the Tsar, and Anderson lived the last part of his life on horseback, dodging union cavalry pickets and infantry.

People who lived those kind of lives were generally not chubby jolly faced fellows.

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