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My staffy was the same when we rescued him he was a real screamer so i just naild him on the walks plenty of toys and a good hand full of dog biscuits before scatted on the floor after a week of so didn't hear a sound hope you get it sorted mate would be a shame to get rid atb

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This was her first day when I got her home...     After I sorted her out...  

I'd go easy on the ribs mate and try and get a bit more meat in him, bones are good but too many will have him struggling to shite

Do you go out because he whines or do you go out to check on him then he whines ?

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well took him for a walk for an hour lastnight did usual things playing with his toys throwing it n calling him back whistling n he brought the toy back to hand 9/10 times n if he dint i told him to drop n leqve n he did then when i got back itwas raining so put him in pen n fed him a bone n put my jumper in his bed n not heard owt from him till 8am this morning best sleep ive had in days thanks lads really appreciate everyones help

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well took him for a walk for an hour lastnight did usual things playing with his toys throwing it n calling him back whistling n he brought the toy back to hand 9/10 times n if he dint i told him to drop n leqve n he did then when i got back itwas raining so put him in pen n fed him a bone n put my jumper in his bed n not heard owt from him till 8am this morning best sleep ive had in days thanks lads really appreciate everyones help

Good news that ?, how's the dog bred fella ?

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well took him for a walk for an hour lastnight did usual things playing with his toys throwing it n calling him back whistling n he brought the toy back to hand 9/10 times n if he dint i told him to drop n leqve n he did then when i got back itwas raining so put him in pen n fed him a bone n put my jumper in his bed n not heard owt from him till 8am this morning best sleep ive had in days thanks lads really appreciate everyones help

Good news that , how's the dog bred fella ?


the previous owners didnt know just said lurcher im guessing saluki whippet pal

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yeah ive just been up to butchers n got him some raw all minced up 60p a lb but bought quit a bit so he gave me more jjst gave him a bit n hes munched but before he could hear me getting in the door n started whining just left him n gave him his food no noise now lol gunna take him for a little longer walk now n see how he is after cheers lads only thing is its my mates perm so cant go on without him im gunna get him round ferrets when im bk

Edited by ruggers13
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yeah ive just been up to butchers n got him some raw all minced up 60p a lb but bought quit a bit so he gave me more jjst gave him a bit n hes munched but before he could hear me getting in the door n started whining just left him n gave him his food no noise now lol gunna take him for a little longer walk now n see how he is after cheers lads only thing is its my mates perm so cant go on without him im gunna get him round ferrets when im bk

if theres a local greyhound track near you go there you get the minced beef 1/2 that price, :thumbs:

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Just needs time to settle in to new surroundings , new owner, new routine. Got to remember what he knows and become habbit to has changed. Just dont reward the whinning in the same sence as dont punish it. If no possitive or negitive attemtion comes from it he should hush up quicker

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Don't know what happened to my earlier post! Was just going to say, along with a few emoticons, that the 'few pics' thread seems to have chilled a few of people out! lol :laugh:.

And just say to ruggers that I wouldn't give your new dog too many retrieves while he's still getting used to you, new routine etc. But that's just my view on it :thumbs:

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