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hi lads im new to lurcher side of hunting im normally posting in ferreting section anyway i got a lurcher free to good home he's 12 month old i havent slept for the past 48hrs basically since i got him hes been whining as soon as im with him ok but ill nip in the shed n hes whining again im trying not to quit on him n see what hes like cheers lads thanks for reading atb ruggers


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This was her first day when I got her home...     After I sorted her out...  

I'd go easy on the ribs mate and try and get a bit more meat in him, bones are good but too many will have him struggling to shite

Do you go out because he whines or do you go out to check on him then he whines ?

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ive got a little terrier x ive tried putting her in with him lastnight but still whining but ill try knacjering him out i have walked him but i thought that if i walk him too much hell loose weight just i think hes on boarder line with been under weight hes eating everything im giving him

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put your t-shirt you've worn today or something else that smells of you in his bed it's one of the first things I do when I've got a new pup, helps with bonding and they'll always end up curled up on it, also give him time to settle in I'd expect whining for a couple of days from a new pup even a 12 month old, they're big changes new sights, smells and sounds his head will be up his arse, if you exercise him more feed him more, you'll soon find a healthy balance when you're bonded and intune with the dogs needs

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put your t-shirt you've worn today or something else that smells of you in his bed it's one of the first things I do when I've got a new pup, helps with bonding and they'll always end up curled up on it, also give him time to settle in I'd expect whining for a couple of days from a new pup even a 12 month old, they're big changes new sights, smells and sounds his head will be up his arse, if you exercise him more feed him more, you'll soon find a healthy balance when you're bonded and intune with the dogs needs

Good post that.


Time and patience ?

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cheers pal i will do i have him outside aswel so if hes been inside he wont be used to staying out through the night ive been going out letting him know that i ant left him n today i took him for a walk at 6am till 7:15 then i put him in the garden while i nipped in the house he broke through my side gate n went in the street but he came back straight away so i had to pop him in the pen till i got back home at 12 n took him for a litgle walk on the fields n then i put him in the garden with my other dog for the past hour i havent heard anything from him i keep checking n hes layed down chilling but i popped my head out the door ten mins ago n hes started again but like you said new environment, would you keep going out at night ?

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ill put one up when ive eaten my tea pal but i no their ment to be skinny but at have some muscle with the dogs ive seen on here

That will take a while to come mate. If you are banging food in him then don't worry about giving him too much exercise. It will just help to chill him out a bit and keep him calmer.

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prob why he was for sale , because he winges and at 12 months old , it should have stopped really.give it couple weeks, and do as they said on here . I am always wary of any young dog for sale, sometimes you drop on a good'un , but a lot of times you don't .

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