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They are something different rabid. We were looking to get rarer/purer breeds for next year. Hoping to get a incubator hatch form these chicks eggs next year.

There is a lot of non pure out there I've seen a few being sold. They're very similar to the Sumatra so if the breed is crossed its so hard to tell for sure. These chicks have teeny wee bits of white on their down but that'll disappear, it's normal in small amounts.


Ayam cemani are one of the worst breeds for not going broody, so incubator is a must! Or a good broody hen, these were hatched under a gold top bantam. :)

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I have two excellent broody hens down at the moment, both a black orpingtons, they go down every year and don't come back out until they have chicks !


I keep thinking about getting some eggs, but finding a reputable seller with pure breeds is not going to be easy.

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Well glad to say their still living :laugh:


Doing good, growing slow but getting there. They have started getting tail feathers now, still no idea about sex. Starting to wonder abit, 4 have rather long tail feathers 2 teeny bit shorter :icon_eek:


Any tips on the sexing more than appreciated!


I'll get pictures tomorrow for an update after pig buyer leaves :thumbs:

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