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Hi All! New Member From Hampshire

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HI everyone, thanks for having me!


My names Stu and as the thread title suggests I'm Hampshire based, just recently moved to Alton and loving the area.


I'm a long time clay pigeon and target rifle shooter and have just recently started to get more into hunting and field sports. I've got my first few deer stalking expeditions coming up later this year and am very much looking forward to those, and I'm hoping to complete my DSC1 early next year.


I've also started casting around the local area for possible permissions for wood pigeon/rabbit hunting. Got my eye on a couple of potential options and have a few weekends of burning up the shoe leather planned to see if I can make those a reality!


I also enjoy the odd bit of fly fishing and anything that gets me outdoors is generally welcome - Especially if theres a decent pub to retire to at the end of the day hehe! :cheers:

Looking forward to talking with you all about the various aspects of the sport, learning as much as I can (which right now comprises anything and everything hehe!) and hearing about your successes!





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Hello Stu welcome, I used to live near Alton. It's a good place if you're into fly fishing and shooting, I'm more into the dogs and it's shit for that because the roads are so busy, the ground is flinty and there are no rabbits.


There are plenty of pigeons, fallow, roe, hare and muntjac but every square inch is already shot or stalked so it might take you a bit of time to get any permission.


All the best.

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