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What type of local ground do you run your dogs on? And where is your ideal hunting location?

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I thought it would be intresting to do some geography and find out what sort of land is local to everybody, what game does it hold and in what numbers eg. lots/little?


And where that you have been so far that is your ideal hunting ground that pre ban you could go on a holiday to fill your boots so to speak?


I am in the west midlands/warwickshire are.. My local hunting ground is mainly arable fields of wheat etc., the fields are largeish maybe 50-150 acres with drainage ditches running around the sides of them, with a hedge to one side of the ditch, this is where rabbits have their warrens and also in the bramble filled ditches. I would say that there was a fair number of rabbits if you go out on a windy night, but you wont see any if you go out on a still night.

There are a few hares on the land but they are not a regular sight, there are also roe deer an that live in some small woods.


Other less frequented local areas tend to be arable fields with a moderate rabbit population and on some of the bigger areas where roads dont cut the land up you may find the occasional hare. Muntjack are found in some more heavily wooded areas but i dont tend to lamp there.



There are what I should think is a high number of foxes, last week after catching a rabbit I put it down to go and lamp another squatter 100 yards away and after I had finished lamping I turned around to see a fox 50 yards away running off with my rabbit and another pair of gleaming eyes at the top of the field aswell! Luckily my girl was back on her slip before we sighted what was going on.


I have yet to travel with my lurcher to anywhere that I would deem as a great place to hunt.


So whats your local ground like and where have you been that would be an ideal hunting ground. :bye:

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