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Ferret Court Hygine

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Alright lads,


Moved some indoor ferrets outside and got them a nice enclosure, with a hutch for shelter. Since going out we've gotten two problems.


1. They've started pooping everywhere. Not in the hutch, but all over the court. We've tried keeping their toilet boxes clean, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. when they were in the cage we had the same problem and we just covered the areas with fleece blankets which they used as bedding and they soon took the hint, but that's not practical as the court has a large area. Not really sure how to approach this problem. Any suggestions?


2. We're raw feeding them rabbit and if we can get it, pheasant (little sods eat better than I do). When they were indoors we put the food in a bowl in a large plastic box with a hole cut in the side, the box is in the court, but not in the hutch, but the box has been getting maggoty very quick and we're having to take it in an pretty much boil wash the box every day. It's just a large plastic document box with a hole cut on the side. We're thinking about swapping to putting the dish in a wooden box with a cat flap to try and keep out the fly in the first place. Do you lads think it'll work?



I don't really want to have to shut them in the hutch at all if I have to, but the amount of poop is getting extreme.


Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

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You tried a box of feaces from there old hutch where your wanting them to crap ? , just how much meat your ferrets are going to eat feed as late as possible and move the remains in the morning and you can put sterling fly bags round the run a fiver each but they last a season and trap 1000's of flys mate

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I used to use a cat litter tray hemmed in with bricks but I've still found that it depends on the ferrets. Some will always go in the same corner, some will go in every corner and others will go anywhere.


Actually, I seem to remember one of mine liked to push his way under the litter tray so I got in the habit of also pinning it down with a brick. Then, when I cleaned out the litter tray, I simply transferred the brick into the clean tray as it invariably had some of their poo on it.


I tried a multi-layer hutch once but they went in every corner of every level. :hmm:

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