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Hells Teeth!!! I Had Another Chillie, Last Night .....

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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  Ditch_Shitter said:
Just been outside and, the very moment that lot hit the ditch? My f*ckin Eyes were burning! :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :icon_eek:


D'ye think maybe I over did the onions in this one then? :hmm:

heres me thinking you had that chillie recipe well sorted :hmm:
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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  flint said:
heres me thinking you had that chillie recipe well sorted :hmm:



This is the weird thing, Flint; Try as I might, I just can't seem to get two attempts at the same recipe to come out the same :unsure: It's just strange.


But I guess that's down to the tiniest irregularities? Like, I used a jar or Roma tom puree first time. Now that's sold out and I have to use Roma tins. Can't get a spoon in those so I probably use a slightly different ammount and ..... well, Slow Cookers seem sensitive.


I'm actually eating the other half of last nights one as I type this. It's nice! :yes: Something I would point out though; I'm not saying I had 'Ring of Fire' syndrome this morning. It was nothing to do with that. It was lituraly my Eyes. I dropped my pay load and the vaporpus Fumes which wafted up and enclosed me had my eyes burning! Quite the experience! :icon_eek: I had to kick the door open and let some air in.


Maybe you guys don't get that effect, because of the water in your loos? Unless of course ye do an RTA type job on the basin sides? With my ditch, things pretty much stay as they are, till the rains come. Or the rats come back and eat it.


Wonder what my shit does to the rats arse holes :hmm: Makes their eyes water?

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