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Hiroshima 70 Years On

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f**k them, they did what they did in pearl harbour and the other attacks on people, they just picked the wrong country to mess with and got put back into their we box again. America should be proud of what they did. at least they are not afraid to stand up for themselves, how many people has attacked America from then, they put out a warning to the world. don't fcuk with us or you will be sorry.

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My view is.......science should hang it's head in shame. They let Oppenhiemer and his team loose in the sweet shop to play and it wasn't until their scientific labido had been satisfied did they full

I did an article somewhere that the only one known survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he's 90 odd years old and amazingly is only a little deaf in one ear .. The other three he's got perfect hea

Everyone who lived through and remembers the troubles owe it too the next generation to move on........I don't beleive we can fully do that until the likes of Adams and McGuiness are no longer part of

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Guest Navek

the creation of the atomic bomb has kept the peace for the last 70 years, it cost a lot of lives but possible it has saved far more :hmm:

only way that it will keep peace is if you used it in every country with terrorist such as Isis ,Al Qaeda,Somali pirates and every other country holding a population of f****d up government warped religion warped troubled human beings...........so 99% the world lol
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.......and I don't think for a second that anyone is defending or excusing Japanese military aggression...but the killing of thousands of civilians, in an instant ? That's the issue under discussion here, is it not ?

Quite right.......I'd never question the sheer brutality of the Japanese military, but it's a fcuking sad day when patriotism or just a difference in culture doesn't allow you to feel empathy for thousands of innocents wiped out.

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If any nation derserved to be nuked it was them!


They committed horrendous crimes .

Watch the drama/documentary on the Nanking massacre.

Not to mention the brutal way they treated out own captured soldiers.


The bomb stopped the death of thousands of our troops and ultimately the jap civilians.

Those wicked little b*****ds would have fought to the very last kid.


Dresden IMO was more of a war crime if were going down that road.

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If any nation derserved to be nuked it was them!

They committed horrendous crimes .

Watch the drama/documentary on the Nanking massacre.

Not to mention the brutal way they treated out own captured soldiers.

The bomb stopped the death of thousands of our troops and ultimately the jap civilians.

Those wicked little b*****ds would have fought to the very last kid.

Dresden IMO was more of a war crime if were going down that road.

Because Germans are white Europeans?

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The japanese killed far more people than did the nazis, some estimate to be over 5 times as many!

.I would also say that they probably used more terror. Have a look at the facts, you'll be shocked....


just one tiny atrocity: the Manila massacre...

bloody hell !! just checked out Manila massacre,horrendous! Do Filipinos get on with the Japanese today? Couldnt blame them for holding a grudge!


what they did to pow's is inhuman , I was reading in the paper the mail , I felt sick reading it this was from UK pows telling it, if the 2 a/bombs stopped these men going through terrible things day in day out , well good, ok in any war innocent people/children get killed , and the japs were told to surrender or they would be destroyed , they said no . even though it was 70 years ago and it wiped out 1000' of innocent lives , all I got in my mind every time this is brought up , it stopped these pows being filled up with water , wacked with b/wire or used as bayonet practice to see how much water could come out of them :censored: that's what sticks in my fookin mind 70 years ago :yes::yes:

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The japanese military mindset of yesteryear is best illustrated by atrocities such as the rape of nanking,the bomb was a neccessary evil,but the poor japanese civilians paid the price for their army's actions,read a 10 year old japanese kids account of waking up after being knocked unconscious by the blast to find his clothes blown off and his body burning and its a sad thing.

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Men have always been cruel and brutal since the dawn of time.......does it make it any better than we can develope something that can wipe out entire cities/countries/populations in an instant ?

That we can do remotely from a button in an Air Force base thousands of miles away and remove ourselves and our population from the full consequence and horror of wars that politicians get us into?


Obama is as we write doing a deal with the mad dog that is Iran to give them nuclear capability......for what reason?........a cynic would say to open up access to new sources of oil for the business that controls Washington.


Should a power so terrible have been developed only to be put in the hands of men to be used in this way?


Safety ?


Peace ?


Don't make me f***ing laugh !!

Edited by WILF
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I think that the yanks had invested so much money in those bombs that they would have been gutted if they couldn't find an excuse to use them! But I don't disagree with it, in fact, I think it saved many lives of the non-japanese....

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The Americans admit to "losing" 32 nuclear weapons........that's "Losing "in case you didn't think you read it correctly the first time !!!


You know, like you lose your keys.......or phone........or wallet.........or that big device that can destroy a few hundred thousand souls in the flash of a camera bulb !!


There's one off the coast of some southern state now that is about 3 times the size of the Heroshima device.........in the sea but they can't find it, been there 50 odd years !!


Still think mortal men are fit to wield such terrible power ??


As was said previously, Heroshima was a very black day for mankind.

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