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Hiroshima 70 Years On

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Watching the news yesterday about the 70th aniversary ot the first use of the atomic bomb in anger, it came across as if the americans had commited a war crime, the thinly veiled hypocrisy of the japanese that were interviewed smacked at hypocrisy on another level. Track record of the japanese in that era wasnt exactly faultless they terrorised south east asia, and dropping the bomb saved thousands of lives. Your views please. :hmm:

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My view is.......science should hang it's head in shame. They let Oppenhiemer and his team loose in the sweet shop to play and it wasn't until their scientific labido had been satisfied did they full

I did an article somewhere that the only one known survivor of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he's 90 odd years old and amazingly is only a little deaf in one ear .. The other three he's got perfect hea

Everyone who lived through and remembers the troubles owe it too the next generation to move on........I don't beleive we can fully do that until the likes of Adams and McGuiness are no longer part of

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My view is.......science should hang it's head in shame.

They let Oppenhiemer and his team loose in the sweet shop to play and it wasn't until their scientific labido had been satisfied did they fully realise what they had done.


He quoted the Hindu god, "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds"


Yes he justified it by looking at what havoc and distruction men had already reeked on the earth, but they created something so terrible it beggars beleife.

Any sane man would have seen this was a power to big to be allowed I to the hands of mortal men and refused to go on but it's seems the nature of scientists to push boundarys no matter what the greater cost.


Egotistical in the extreme IMHO

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The Americans had been fire-bombing Japanese cities for some time, before using the atomic bomb, so the Japanese question whether the use was even necessary.


As TC said, the destruction was awful and total - an entire city levelled to the ground and tens of thousands of unarmed civilians killed, totally unable to protect themselves. It may have expedited the end of the War, but a part of me thinks it was one of mankind's darkest days.........

Edited by Blackbriar
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The end product of assembling the finest scientific minds if the time and giving them carte Blanche to do as they wished...........this is it !.......the pinnacle of what mankind can achieve with brain we were given.

Are we proud of ourselves ?

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The japanese killed far more people than did the nazis, some estimate to be over 5 times as many!

.I would also say that they probably used more terror. Have a look at the facts, you'll be shocked....


just one tiny atrocity: the Manila massacre...

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  On 07/08/2015 at 07:47, J Darcy said:

The japanese killed far more people than did the nazis, some estimate to be over 5 times as many!

.I would also say that they probably used more terror. Have a look at the facts, you'll be shocked....


just one tiny atrocity: the Manila massacre...

But does any scenario warrant delivering a power so majestic and terrible in to the hands of politicians and generals ?.........I don't think it does.

Once the cork is out of the bottle there's no putting it back.


Oppenhiemer and his ilk walked away scot free, hailed as hero's, great men of the age......I would call them irresponsible children.

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  On 07/08/2015 at 07:47, J Darcy said:

The japanese killed far more people than did the nazis, some estimate to be over 5 times as many!

.I would also say that they probably used more terror. Have a look at the facts, you'll be shocked....


just one tiny atrocity: the Manila massacre...

bloody hell !! just checked out Manila massacre,horrendous! Do Filipinos get on with the Japanese today? Couldnt blame them for holding a grudge!

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  On 07/08/2015 at 08:22, paulus said:

the creation of the atomic bomb has kept the peace for the last 70 years, it cost a lot of lives but possible it has saved far more :hmm:

Kept the peace????? Hahaha.......

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The japs were also Kings of brutal killings. They seemed to relish in cruelty. They were also hypocritical, all that talk of No Surrender was a load of old tripe. As soon as they realised they couldn't win they soon surrendered. So much for sending young men out on Kamikazi missions, when their generals and emperor were cowards. :blink:


The jap cruelty is kept in the shadow of what happened to the jews.....even though it is on a different scale .....and I wonder why.... :hmm:

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  On 07/08/2015 at 08:26, Accip74 said:


  On 07/08/2015 at 08:22, paulus said:

the creation of the atomic bomb has kept the peace for the last 70 years, it cost a lot of lives but possible it has saved far more :hmm:

Kept the peace????? Hahaha.......

I'd be prepared to wager that we haven't seen a single day of peace, since the end of the War !

I'd also bet that, if the Bomb had not been developed, the world would be in exactly the state it is now !

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.......and I don't think for a second that anyone is defending or excusing Japanese military aggression...but the killing of thousands of civilians, in an instant ? That's the issue under discussion here, is it not ?

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