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Retrieving From Water...

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Couple of mine will only wade ankle deep in water to cool off and a couple don't mind swimming. I usually take them swimming in the creeks fairly often during the summer to get them used to swimming and learn how to swim effectively and efficiently because pigs if under pressure will often try to run to water.. The water is a dangerous place to catch big boars for several reasons. If your dog is relaxed and can swim properly without lifting its front legs up out of the water, it is much better off.

My stag doesn't swim well. He is not relaxed at all when in water up to his belly. When a pig runs into the water before he catches he forgets his fear of water. He is so focused on the pig that he actually swims well. Remove the pig from the water and he is a scared baby lol

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  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:

Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand


  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:

Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand



  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:

Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand


Don't see it that way myself mate, any lurcher keen enough and inclined to swim for a stick is more than capable of doing the same with birds.

A stick is just a substitute for a dummy, and most dogs gundogs included are started on dummies.

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  On 11/08/2015 at 09:38, mackay said:


  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:


Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand

  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:

Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand

  On 06/08/2015 at 12:38, nothernlite said:

Sounds good retrieving from water big difference from throwing a stick to bringing birds to hand

Don't see it that way myself mate, any lurcher keen enough and inclined to swim for a stick is more than capable of doing the same with birds.

A stick is just a substitute for a dummy, and most dogs gundogs included are started on dummies.

This pup of mine retrieves anything. Bottles, sticks, tennis balls. Tried her with a rabbit skin this morning and she was straight back with it.


I've no reason to think she wouldn't retrieve birds.

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Hope she does but just think there's is a difference from throwing somthing a or catching something than a bird or something not thrown anyway had a lurcher that would go into the water and catch ducks and bring them to hand but would she go in for a stick plastic bottle or tennis ball she wouldn't move lol

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  On 11/08/2015 at 11:51, nothernlite said:

Hope she does but just think there's is a difference from throwing somthing a or catching something than a bird or something not thrown anyway had a lurcher that would go into the water and catch ducks and bring them to hand but would she go in for a stick plastic bottle or tennis ball she wouldn't move lol

I don't shoot mate so I doubt I will ever find out.


My brindle bitch retrieves rabbits to hand but throw her a tennis ball and she just looks at you.

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Get a set of spraggs gaz knock a catty up ,all training summer mthe for pups moorhens ducks long tails,I believe if one has a lurcher showing a liking for water I use this to take the dog further surprising how rabbs hares etc preban would use water to evade capture all good eating off the water keeps livestock fed also.atb bunnys.

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  On 11/08/2015 at 16:04, bunnys said:

Get a set of spraggs gaz knock a catty up ,all training summer mthe for pups moorhens ducks long tails,I believe if one has a lurcher showing a liking for water I use this to take the dog further surprising how rabbs hares etc preban would use water to evade capture all good eating off the water keeps livestock fed also.atb bunnys.

I used to do a fair bit with catty mate. Might give

It a bash.

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I try and teach all my dogs to retrieve from water some take to it better than others ...heres a handy little terrier thats as good a digging dog as there is retrieving the second of a left and right shot goosander during a licenced SNH sawbill cull ...I use him when wildfowling sometimes but he struggles with geese but you have to admire him for trying .

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