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Retrieving From Water...

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nice pics here , good to see the dogs having a go, my 2 are wimps only go in if there feet on the bottom lol, and they both got thick coats on them , you think a nice deep dip would be cool for them , maybe one day I get lurcher who aint a wimp , or have to get a lab .lol

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Great seeing them swim and believe it's a great asset when hunting for me it's in my top five pluses of a lurcher.atb bunnys.

i like a great nose the ability to stay injury free stamina and a good working trainable animal with high prey drive there be lots off other traits that for me tick the boxes but finding one animal with all the desired traits hard to come by and these days if I have a animal with only those few traits it gives me something to work with .and find the animals strengths in ta field atb bunnys
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my 2 curs don't mind the water..but wouldn't exactly call them water babies... But the missises little cockerpoo fekking loves it.. other day i threw a ball in water on a reservoir and it sank like a lead weight...the little fekker would not come out of water..it was treading water for about 10 mins and getting further out from the edge and I was starting to panic,imagining how i would explain it to the wife...I am not kidding I was down to my friggin boxers when the little shit just turned around and paddled back on shore.. I would have been in if not. . . there's no way i would have gone home without the dog. . . the missis has made it clear on many occasions....its the dog...not me..everytime. :cray: . its a good job i like the little bugger.

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