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hi guys new to this so askin for advise we have big killing ferrets and they get very aggressive towards the hands when out we starve them two days before we go out does it matter if you feed them the night before or will it slow them down when trying to kill

Edited by nbk
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hi guys new to this so askin for advise we have big killing ferrets and they get very aggressive towards the hands when out we starve them two days before we go out does it matter if you feed them the night before or will it slow them down when trying to killshould you feed da ferrets


Well personally i am not supprised there aggressive , i get pretty ratty when deprived of food myself :laugh::laugh:

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i dont think their is any need to starve them especially for 2 days,you go 2 days with out food and then go and do a days work :shok:

so if i fed them the night before they would work the same would'nt they be bloated n slow

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i dont think their is any need to starve them especially for 2 days,you go 2 days with out food and then go and do a days work :shok:

so if i fed them the night before they would work the same would'nt they be bloated n slow


Well i cant see them being any different personally , its like you going without any food for a few days i doubt you would feel like doing much , they need food everyday regardless of work or not

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i dont think their is any need to starve them especially for 2 days,you go 2 days with out food and then go and do a days work :shok:

so if i fed them the night before they would work the same would'nt they be bloated n slow


Its a load of old fashioned bollocks starving them before taking them out. I'm not surprised they are big killing ferrets and are agressive towards your hands. :blink:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:no: The lad's Irish. Believe me; Such attitudes still exist here. It's what's passed down.


NBK; Feed ye ferrets Every Day on whole, fresh dead things, mate. See they always have plenty of fresh water available and clean their shit corner out daily too. Handle them every day and ye won't go far wrong.


Morning ye want to work them, give them a quarter, or bit less, of their usual meal. That'll set them up for a good days work.


Anyway, give that a try for this season and see what ye think of the differance it makes, eh? ;)

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Our ferrets have rabbit, pheasant etc available to them all the time in the winter: they eat when they want and we seldom have to dig to dead rabbits, nor do we get lay ups. A ferret's metabolism is very fast and they need food little and often: no problem to leave a rabbit carcase in their hutch/court when the weather is too cold to attract flies.

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hi guys new to this so askin for advise we have big killing ferrets and they get very aggressive towards the hands when out we starve them two days before we go out does it matter if you feed them the night before or will it slow them down when trying to kill


my freind feeds his 2-3 hours befor we go out and they are fine, never had to dig yet, i shall do the same when mine are old enough.



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