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Pine Marten ???

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well my wife said to me, that she seen one in our garden the other day. she was sitting on our bench in the back of the garden , and she said it ran across the lawn only about 20ft in front of her , I said don't be feckin daft lol, but she swears it was one , she said it was near 2 ft long quite sturdy built dark brown with white on it stomach and she said it looked just like the one on the telly the other day .I wasn't there as I was out with the dogs on me normal walk , we have got few rabbits come in to my garden, and seen few rabbits in fields back of my garden . I don't know what to think to be honest lol, as norm she level headed person , she don't make things up , so gods knows :D this I where she said she seen it , I said you Shure it wasn't a cat or young fox, she said NO it was no way either of them .??


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I'd say your wife was right. Don't for a second think that you have to live in the middle of a forest to have pine martens around you.

They'll travel along hedgerows and are even living on the edge of large towns here in Eire now. They're very adaptable.

I hope you or your neighbours don't keep fowl.

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I'd say your wife was right. Don't for a second think that you have to live in the middle of a forest to have pine martens around you.

They'll travel along hedgerows and are even living on the edge of large towns here in Eire now. They're very adaptable.

I hope you or your neighbours don't keep fowl.


they got a lot of stock (alpacas,horeses,sheep ) they got 13 acres they did keep fowl , but not no more , was getting lots of rats , I shot 5 . you might be right neil , as my wife deff seen something big either p/m or mink , as said ive got few rabbits in my garden , so bit of food suppose if they wanted to eat something :yes: .

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young otter perhaps? or she was bang on the money with what she saw


i know otters are getting more and more common. ive seen them in the strangest of places. i was coming back from a lamping trip one night and my mate ran one over feck knows what it was doing there as i couldnt think of a good source of water for it anywhere close.

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young otter perhaps? or she was bang on the money with what she saw


i know otters are getting more and more common. ive seen them in the strangest of places. i was coming back from a lamping trip one night and my mate ran one over feck knows what it was doing there as i couldnt think of a good source of water for it anywhere close.


well jon you know what she like lol, she swore it was one of them p/m on the telly she seen the other night . I don't know mate I wasn't there , so it her word . what ever it was it was quite big+ dark brown with white belly , it's pity Buck wasn't in the garden that day, as we deff know what it was then :D .

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I'd say your wife was right. Don't for a second think that you have to live in the middle of a forest to have pine martens around you.

They'll travel along hedgerows and are even living on the edge of large towns here in Eire now. They're very adaptable.

I hope you or your neighbours don't keep fowl.

Aye some lads were saying with have them here, not seen them but I am in the middle of some dirty great blocks of forestry.......trouble is, they plant it so dense you can't get into the bloody stuff.

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would a pine martin be dangerous to cats or small dogs? (Not working terriers)

Nope it would run away.......if cornered I reckon they could scrap a bit with a cat or small lap dog.

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